If I purchased more than one item from one seller and all items are shipped in one shipping box. Then shipping chares should be for one box. But here it is charged for each items.
For example 10 cd purchased.
Shipping charges: 65 / each
cd price: 200/ each
Total cd changes: 200 * 10 = 2000
Shipping changes: 65 * 10 = 650
Total: 2000 + 650 = 2650
All items are shipped in one box.
This should be intellengly handled. Instead of shipping cost as 650 it should be 65 only, since single box shipped. Or it can be optimised to max of 130 or 195.
it doesn't mean that putting two items in one box costs same price.
infact for Ebay COD ebay charge for each item, so seller can only save packing bag.
at courier prices they charge is according to the weight no how many boxes or bags .
Your logic is correct but the Most of the courier company charges by weight.Courier companies charge shipping charge on weight & Distance.so,Next Time when you buy in a Bulk Order Contact your seller he may give some discount or relist an item for your requirement,bye:-)