I take utmost care to maintain my 100% rating at eBay.
However my reputation may be at stake due to fault of PaisaPay.
A buyer has paid through Paisapay (PaisaPay id: 22856977916) for an item. Now I got a mail from buyer that buyer has been charged twice for the same item. First by master card. When PaisaPay system did not take the payment the buyer submitted a visa card. Now buyer has seen that BOTH CARDS HAVE BEEN CHARGED.
Buyer is charging me for the double payment.Though I explained how to contact eBay customer support, but buyer is thinking me as eBay and charging me that I have received two times payment for the same item.
Kindly take urgent steps to refund the second payment immediately.Otherwise I may receive adverse feedback. My painstakingly built reputation is at stake for no fault of mine.
This is Horrible. How can ebay do such a thing. Hyper active buyers will kill this poor guy. This can happen with anyone with no fault of seller but poor ebay systems.
Is ebay doing anything about it and would the pinks care to look in to this issue asap.