I recently made a Bid on HTC HD2 and won it at a lower price.After completion of sale the seller refused to sell it by saying he is out of stock, which is surely he is lying as he didnt want to sell on lower price and re-listed the item under different user ID similar to his older one.I have already made the payment, so please look into this matter.
Such selling practises have to be looked after as we lose hope into eBay if such things happen.I have already emailed, Messaged and contacted the seller with no use.If i win anything at higher price they are after us but when i got it a lower price the seller doent respond. I love eBay and its policies and hope there will be some positive action taken into this matter.
Item I WON : http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130502468019&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
Similar item (Almost Re-listing with different ID) : http://cgi.ebay.in/HTC-HD2-8GB-Un-Touched-Unlocked-Original-Box-Pack-/250799458107?pt=IN_Mobile_Phones&hash=item3a64d0073b
Vijay Srivastava.
NOTE : Please Dont Delete This Topic as it always happen, coz members of eBay should be aware of such sellers.
JaY Srivastava
Incript Technologies