It is really appreciated that Baazee has finally decided to address the issue of fraud buyers. But we sincerely hope that baazee seriously ACTS on this issue and make selling and buying more interesting.
Our Suggestions
1. Buyer Limits :
As before, there should be an option in the CSV sheet to specify the maximum qty a buyer can bid on / buy. This restriction should be applicable even to the Privilege Club members. Its very easy for a fraud to become a privilege club member and then go on bidding without the intention to buy.
2. Block Bidder :
This point doesnt make sense because a fraud buyer can easily create another ID in case is previous ID is blocked. Rather there should be a way in which we try to have only genuine bidders bid so that there is no need to Block any bidder. How this can be done is explained in the next point.
3. Auction open only for specific users :
Absolutely. This should have been implemented long back. We suggest that all bidders should have a certain number of minimum rating ( We suggest at least 3+ or 5+ ). This would eliminate most of the fraud bidders on Baazee. Even if we have a minimum of 1+ , before a bidder can bid, even that would help a lot ( if not elimiate the problem altogether )
Request other sellers to contribute there ideas.