Refund not received

Refund not received.

Please ref ebay guarantee claim:1196384 dt:24.08.2015.

Refund not made till date.An amount of Rs.72819 is locked up with you from 12.08.2015.

Even after lapse of 15 days ebay guarantee claim also there is no response from your end.You are not giving reply to my mails.

When contacted over phone your representative is telling that team is working..

For how many days I have to wait?

Why you are not giving reply?

Why you are not returning my amount?

Your seller failed to ship the item even after 12 days and advised you to refund the amount.

You have sent sms stating that claim will be resolved within 5 business days.But not resolved from 24.08.2015 to till date.

Please reply with correct date on which you can refund the amoun.what compensation you are going to pay asyou have failed to sell the item and also failed to refund even after 15 days.Your silence is giving wrong impressions on ebay.

 Pl reply immediately and arrange refund.


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