The refund for my transaction was approved, The refund NEVER happened. The sequence of event are:
1 : Brought an Item from ebay seller. paid through paisa pay by online banking. 13 dec 2013
2 : ebay posted my transaction as COD, "I HAD PAID THROUGH ONLINE BANKING."
3 : Automatic refund innitiated on 19 dec 2013.
4 : Refund request has been approved by PaisaPay on 26-Dec-13
5 : Resolution centre - 05 Jan 2014 Refund approved by ashish2010. Refund never happened.
6 : Escalate : Gautami P. from customer care escalate the issue on 14 Jan 2014; I was supposed to get an update within 48 hours. it never came.
Since the day I join ebay in 2005 I never knew Ebay was so slow.
details are pasted below for reference.
Claim ID: 374092
PaisaPay ID: 35205270723
Item number: 261346390279
I am contemplating consumer court for redressal and refund all relevant legal fees from if this problem persist