Till now I have always sent all my payments within 1-3 days of the end of listing date. But still I have recieved reminders from the sellers for the payments. I have recieved a payment not recieved alert even on COD item. If I would have recieved the item i would have paid in CASH on delivery. But the sellers take their own sweet time for sending the goods and unneccessarily presurise me. Of the 5 deals i have made i have recieved reminders in 4 deals. The sellers open disputes as soon as 5 days are over. But I have to wait for 10 days after sending payment to open a dispute for item not recieved. This is not fair. Also there is no dispute option for Items not recieved in COD option because when we are opening disputes the page only asks when payment was sent. but in COD i will give payment as soon i get the item. without entering a payment sent date i cannot open a dispute. but the sellers open disputes without waiting. even though I have indicated/informed that payment was sent.
please do something to remove this descrepancy.