Please change the Baazee Shutdown Date from 24th June 04 to 24th June 05

Community Member
Dear eBay

Just saw an announcement on the Home Page telling us that the old Baazee site would shut-down from 24th June 2004 onwards. Kindly change the date to 24th June 2005 !

A little funny poem for you !

Rise and shine guys,
Wake-up, Rub your eyes
We are not in 200Fours
But in 200Fives !

<<< hey, believe you me, that poem's original 😉 >>>


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Please change the Baazee Shutdown Date from 24th June 04 to 24th June 05

Community Member
That's a good on thethirdi. Lets hope ebay wakes up b4r it is too late.
1 suggestion:let the feedback be itemwise to gain trust of buyers.
2 suggestion:Include in member profile which city he is from. Merely saying from india does not help anybody especially if i am looking to buy from specific cities.
3 suggestion: weed out fake sellers and buyers. For this ebay need to do a reality check to promote integrity and trust which is vital for survival and growth.

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