PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
Would just like to share an incident between a seller and myself. The seller from USA rightfully purchased an item wirth Rs.16300 and promptly paid through his credit card.
However for some reason he was asked to fax/mail a copy of his credit card to the paisapay team in India?
Can you beleive it, asking someone to send a copy of his credit card? And we thouhg ebay was a flagbearer for security???
So anyways, I am just posting the email in full, of what my seller had to sat abt this, and his overall experience. And I have to say, I do agree with him. Here it goes.
And oh, sorry for the multiplicity of this thread on 2 boards. But I do require a rather urgent response from ebay on this. Heres the mail :


I filled out Paisapays on line form through “Pay Now” which included all my credit card info. That brought up a screen that told me to copy or scan my credit card and fax or email the image of the card to them. I was more than a little skeptical about doing that. I would never send any credit card info over the internet through an un-encoded email. I did try faxing a copy, since a fax cannot be intercepted, but the call would not go through.

The next day I was notified by my credit card company that a suspicious $294 charge had been made against my card, a charge I never made or authorized.

PayPal never asked me to send images of my card, and my credit card company is emphatic that no legitimate company would ask for that and to do so is completely unsafe and unsecured.

I have used this card for Ebay purchases for years without a problem. Unless Paisapay can work with that prior background, and the info I have already sent them (and should not have) this isn’t going to work. I have emailed them repeatedly and they have not replied. I have also contacted Ebay, and they say they don’t have any affiliation with Paisapay and will not guarantee the security of any transaction through them.

If you can reach anyone one at Paisapay and get them to accept the info they already have to complete this sale, please let me know. I don’t see them ever succeeding as a business, however, if they expect their customers to send this kind of info without the kind of security guarantees that PayPal provides.

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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
WEll ...

1. Paisa Pay is an eBay company.
2. Its preferred for Indian Customers.
3. For intertional transactions you can accept PayPal.

I beleive that the fax will neer be misused by Paisa Pay and they definetly maintain high level of security. Incase Paisa Pay stops this verification i know that sellers shall be flooded with Chargebacks and fraud orders ...


Still your buyers case is genuine as he operates in a much developed market. But do you know for PayPal orders the seller has to verify the buyer himself as chargebacks are deadly. Many have trouble and complains with PayPal regarding this issue atleast Paisa Pay is away from this mess ..

Message 2 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
1. Yes Paisapay is very much an ebay company. But this has happened to me before also. Just like ebay India refuses to give any help about paypal when they I ask them a qstn, the same way ebay usa refuses to acknooledge anything abt paisapay. I have experienced this first hand myself. But I do agree, a case of misinfotmation here.

2.There is no binding for paisapay yto be solely used for indian customers. It very much accepts International payments and so shud be the case this time aswell. SO thats hardly an excuse.

3.Yes I would use paypal if it were available in India. There are complex issues involved in withdrawing the amount. Its not as easy as receining the weekly paisapay cheque. And officiallu, ebay India refuses to acknoledge the use of paypal. Their official response always is "Not available in India". Also users of paypal are not included in any risk protection or so.

But really dont you think to expect a person to send a copy of his credit card to India sounds slippery? Esp since ebay is the great advocate of online security and how it always emphasizes on "secure means of payment". This sounds rather primitive.
I am sure a system can be placed where ebay gives the buyer a call, verifies his address etc, maybe verify is card no and expiry date and voila. Why is the onus on the buyer to fax him a copy.
I as a seller am paying good money for this transaction to ebay. This is the leasy I shud expect them to do!
Message 3 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
Well said techchase.

PaisaPay is good, safe and secure and haven't received any issues from their side. Their customer support is always appreciated from many.

spedfast, your buyer might have contacted eBay US or other eBay than eBay India. Please guide him to contact the PaisaPay team and they will help you soon to solve the issue.

Once I visited eBay US Community Boards and saw that most of the users were complaining about the PayPal on one or the other issue.

Also over Rs.2000/- credit card payments, PaisaPay team verifies them before they credit to seller's PaisaPay account. So he might have asked to verify such things.

So guide him to customer support, PaisaPay.

Contact Customer Support (link through to ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 4 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity
Community Member

1) No one has forced you to sell internationally.

2) No one has forced you to use PaisaPay.

You choose to sell internationally, you choose to opt for PaisaPay payment service. You have to live by these

- PaisaPay in their offer document never promises to process any high value payment without physical verification.

Neither eBay nor PaisaPay is defficient in any of their services.

You will be the first person to shout from the roof tops if you receive a chargeback. Remember PaisaPay offers you 100% chargeback protection on providing them valid POD copies. To offer such a high level of protection, PaisaPay needs to follow some procedures, one of them is physical verification of C.C.s. You may need to understand some problems which can rise due to technology too.

Abroad, when you punch in your credit card no. online, the payment gateway and the merchant can receive your c.c. billing address which they can cross-verify with the address on record with them. In India this is not available, hence the need for physical verification of documents. You may or may not know that PayPal offers only limited seller protection program and that too if the order is shipped to a Paypal confirmed address. There is no protection to the seller if the order is shipped to a non confirmed address.

With this kind of verification, you may loose a couple of buyers, but you get safety of your money.

Yes, you can ask / request PaisaPay to make the process easier for international buyers but surely not in this belligerent manner.

Alernatively, You can opt to have your own merchant account and choose to accept all credit cards without any chargeback protection, if you like. See how much you find the idea of having a merchant account appealing to you.

Message 5 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member

1)No one has forced me to sell internationally. It is a feature provided by ebay and if I intend to use, I must pay a fee for it. And since I have, Iam right if I demand an explanation if I feel hard done by.

2)Once again, no one has forced me to offer PaisaPay. Its again a feature for which ebay rightfully charges.
There may be other limited payment options around, such as paypal, bidpay, western union etc to rcv funds from abroad, obvously anyone would prefer a method that has ebay's backing. So since paypal is not offered here, paisapay it must be.

Now it is not a question of PaisaPay vs PayPal, so let us refrain from discuissing which system scores over the other by means of chargeback protection or whatsoever.

The fact of the matter is that paisapay is a system that is capable and designed to process international payment. Now obvoiusly to minimize fraud, everyones endorses the policy of verifying the CC.
But there are limits to everything. How would you feel if ebay would ask you to scan/fax them a copy of your credit card? I dont know maybe you bought an item from ebay Brazil and the ask you to send them a copy of your CC? How skeptical would you be?
I am certain that in place of this system, a systen of calling the buyer to verify his address and acknowledgement of payment can be done. Surely a workable idea?
Bottom line is, a secure system is only as strong as the weakest link. And it has been exposed that the weakest link in this case is pretty weak indeed. Surely it does not get more insecure to scan your CC and mail it over the internet?
And oh by the way, If I may ask this in a belligerent manner, it is very much intended to. No one is forcing to you read and reply to this post.
Message 6 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
Paisa Pay does call its buyers. But the details they have is the eBay registration addresss and contact no.

we cant expect them to call international buyers ..!!

Message 7 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member
Whats wrong in calling intrnational buyers?
The first logical hurdle would be the time differece of curse. And since ebay does not have a 24 hour customer support, it can hand over this job to the ebay USA.
Ask ebay USA to call up the buyer and verify his address etc. Once that is done, the USA team can revert back to paisapay that so and so has been verified/or not verified and paisapay can take it from there?
Message 8 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity
Community Member

What kind of a verification would a telephonic one be?

Say I am a fraud buyer located in say US or UK with access to say some else credit card and cvv no.

I place an order on via PaisaPay. PaisaPay only has the details which I gave when filling up the eBay registration.

PaisaPay calls me up and I say yes, that is my address.

PaisaPay approves transaction, you ship the goods.

A month later the actual owner of the Credit Card isssue a charge back - Viola. PaisaPay and you are in trouble.

Telephonic verification is meaningless since PaisaPay does not have access to the buyers' cc billing address.

If you are ready to take a chargeback risk, PaisaPay can probably design a product for sellers like you with zero verification and zero chargeback protection.

Message 9 of 15
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PaisaPay Get your act together. Shocking Mediocrity

Community Member,

I wonder if you even stop to think before your spread your pre conceived notions in this thread.

Isnt the same kind of telephonic verification being done right now? To indian paisapay buyers?
Lets get you back from US or UK and put you here in India. If you have access to a someones elses CC and cvv and you make a purchase here.
The Paisapay team is still going to call you to verify your address and acknowledge that it is your knowledge that you made the purchase.
Paisapay does not have the CC billing address even of the Indian CC users. So they can verify only what you have already told them, while registering for ebay. At any stage verification of the billing address is improbable. be it here or US.
So we are implementing a system that is already being used. Whats wrong in that?
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