Paisa Pay Remittance issues

Community Member
Hi there people
Relatively new seller on ebay here and already the experience i am having has made me swear never to do transactions in ebay in future, near or far
Recently sold an item on ebay id 24091950091 smooth transaction great buyer. No issues
Also there were 2 items i never shiped after a unwarranteed payment by buyer and so even the amount was refunded
Now what happened is that in my account it was showing that i will b paid for all three items. Doubting a rat i sent an email to ebay regarding this.Now fun starts.
1. My remittance which was due on 13th of this month was never paid. Got postponed to 16th due to technical reasons. I got 1 phone call and 2 emails regarding that. On 15th i received a phone call that issue was resolved and i wil get my remittance soon
2. On 16th as i was waitign for remittance i received another shocking email. Your payment is on hold due to : Remittance sent for INR approved transactions. Couldnt make a head or tail out of it so i contancted the nice customer care service..they said my remittance is on hold until my possible buyers can get their amount refunded
So now friends my rs 3690 has been put on hold..have gotta wait it out until the nice paisa pay team can clear their respective technical issues
Also browsing through the forums have come up on several issues where paisa pay account was suddenly suspended and sellers lost money. so am just waiting for something like this to happen....Life's fair i tell yself..u win some, u lose some...but this issue really hits below the u get frustrated for no reason of your own...i take consolation int he fcat that ine was ONLY rs 3500..some have lost more than rs 20000 on paisa pay...enjoy people...enjoy the benefits of our desi Pay pal...!
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Paisa Pay Remittance issues

Community Member
I think a new seller should not sell any costly item. Because mistakes may happen on either side and may result in loss.

When I started as an eBay seller, I sold an old 'Tintin Comics' on one rupee auction and free shipping. I did not get much bid but got sold for around 200 rupees. Later I found out that the market price of that comic book was more than 450 rupees.

Anyway, I kept on selling small second hand items. I had a mix up of profit and loss. I had never dared to sell any high value products on eBay. I just don't get that confidence.

I hope your problem will get resolved soon. You just need to learn more about selling on eBay.
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