Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm
Community Member
Hi, this is Sharat Digumarti, Senior Manager - Marketplace Health for eBay India. I am glad to be back with you for an Open house discussion on making eBay your most trusted trading partner. Let me start with a quick update on the events since my last open house discussion.

Updating the Seller Non Performance policy – We recently updated our seller non performance policy to ensure that the sellers who are causing bad buyer experience are warned at an early stage such that they can make relevant changes in their business processes. We also made the SNP calculation for last 90 days so that it will be easier for sellers to resolve such disputes.

Safeguarding Member ids – In January this year, we made some changes to the way member ids were displayed on the bid history page. This helped us protect bidders from fraud second chance offers and other unsolicited mails. We have made some more changes in the process to make it more transparent and fun for other bidders. To see more details , click here

SMS alert for disputes – We will be shortly introducing a cool new feature, Our buyers told us that they were not aware of the dispute process on eBay, and often missed out on buyer protection due to ignorance. Based on this feedback, we started calling out to buyers to explain the complete process. We will be shortly adding another feature in the dispute console. Now you will be able to subscribe for SMS based alerts whenever your trading partner in case of any update in your dispute console.

Shipping Filters – Abnormally high shipping charges are one of the top reasons for bad buyer experience on eBay. To control such instances, we proactively started taking action against listings, which seem to be obviously charging high shipping rates. As a result the number of listings with high shipping charge has reduced significantly, however, in the process; we have unintentionally pulled down some genuine listings as well. We are revaluating the process to ensure that genuine listings do not suffer.

Policy changes for MP3 players and Food – We also made some changes in a couple of policies to make them more user friendly. The MP3 policy was changed to ensure that listings contain only physical memory so that it results in a good experience for buyers. We also updated the food policy to enable sellers to list food related items on eBay.

Most of these changes have been brought along keeping I mind your feedback and better experience. I will be happy to discuss them further with you and listen to more of your suggestions. As I mentioned earlier, I will be present on the Community Boards for an Open House Session on 13th September 2007, 4 – 5 PM. I will encourage you to post your thoughts, comments and suggestion on this thread. I am looking forward towards this meeting and I hope to gather lot of useful feedback from you.

See you on 13th in the discussion!


Sharat Digumarti
Senior Manager - Marketplace Health

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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

recent change make head ache to seller most of to me
recent my about 30 listing was remove which shipping cost was rs 50 and case was fee avoidance
what i can save fee in 50 rs shipping charge?
some item was more then 500 to 900 gram weight and real shipping cost was double
i don't understand why don't you start charging flat fee with shipping cost
your staff inform me that you can post it with free shipping
in that most head ache is that we have to raise cost of buy now and item can not sold because so many is new buyer and compare and search with total and my item not can sold and i have to pay listing charge
i know that in reply you give in sweet words why eBay do this and don't make any change so i make change and divert my listing of small item to other site
thank you
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
Hello eBay,

I have some feedback.

SNP Policy:

This is very sad, i recently got a mail from eBay that my id falls into SNP, i am unable to list further or revise my listings due to this, eBay customer service professionals are thou very kind to give me a call and explain me a little more ON SNP policy, they asked me to contact ODR to resolve my negative feedbacks / disputes and contact them back so they can re-evaluate my account...BUT I DONT THINK THIS IS THE SOLUTION FOR SELLERS, COZ FOR 1 CASE MEDIATOR CHARGES ARE RS 500, NOTE - MOST OF THE -VE FEEDBACK HAPPENS FOR CHEAP PRICED PRODUCTS, in my case most of -ve are for products not more than Rs 125/- so how can i pay rs 500 to a mediator who is again not assuring that the feedback will be removed...With this policy in effect any small time buyer can cause BIG TIME TROUBLE to honest sellers...I hope all this makes sense to you and you do something about it...
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
All is well, but only problem is some sellers cross subsidize there products by charging exaborent shipping charges.
It should be mandetory to make "reciever pays for the courier".
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
Hello Sharat,

A Warm Welcome on the Community Board.

It's always a good feeling when Senior Staff Members are here to interact and update the Community.

It's nice to see the changes taking place for the development of the site.

Although most of the changes are Buyer friendly but would eventually result in the better growth of the Seller.

My Concern

You are creating Shipping Filters and encouraging Sellers to charge actual shipping. But without realizing that your system is working against it.

For a Rs.18,000 worth of an Item where I charge Rs.200 as shipping and Rs.360 as Insurance ..... your system shows the Shipping Charge as Rs.560 by clubbing the Insurance with Shipping.

Isn't it misrepresentation of facts ? .... and a Bad Experience for the Buyer ? .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 5 of 41
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Dear Sharatji,
I am happy to note that you realise shortcomings in your proactive policy on shipping.
I cant do a lot of listings because I cant work much due to my age.So,if you pull down my listings,my buyers suffer more than me.The visitor may not be a buyer.Sometimes my philatelist friends will visit.Sometimes a collector will visit.My Pakistani friends like just to see my listings.
Instead of pulling them down,please just tell me to reduce shipping.That is less painful.
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
Dear Mr Sharat ,
I would like to draw your attention to something different of what you mentioned in the thread.
There is an evil in eBay India. Sometime ago you had taken steps to crush that evil, and you were very successful in doing that but today again it is back with its full strength .
Well the evil is piracy of Video games in PC and PS2 Section.Few sellers in eBay India are selling Copied/Pirated/ games/software's. You had suspended a few Ids some time ago for selling pirated software's but now again sellers have come up with new ids and are selling illegal copies of games and software's for as low as Rs 20.Because of these illegal activities genuine sellers have to face drop in sales and tough and unjustified competition.Pirated software is mainly sold in PC games category and PlayStation 2 category.
please check out this

Here is a list of few of the sellers


some of the pirated sellers are even Power Sellers

I request you to kindly investigate the matter and take appropriate action as soon as possible
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
Hi Sharat,

Kindly Attn: ALL SELLER'S ON eBay.

I welcome the new changes done on SNP Policy but i have some question in this regards which i am facing as my user id shoppingstoreonline is suspended due to SNP i do understand that according to new changes my buyers satisfaction rate is below 1% and for this TNS has sent a warning mail also and i try to improve also all my Item not received dispute closed with buyers satisfaction now as per the neutral and negative feedback i have only 2 negative feedback and total 3 for that also buyer agree to withdrawal 2 out of 3 and same for the neutral feedback also now my question is :

1. Due to suspension i can send feedback withdrawal form to my buyer who willing to withdraw the feedback.

2. According to TNS team mail i have prove my performance with relevant proof then i can request to review my account but as all listing is closed no pending order left then how i can prove my self.

3. If i have mail from buyer as a supporting proof of there satisfaction will you accept that proof if yes then how i can proceed for the same.

4. Please let me how you calculate this 1% buyers satisfaction level.

5. Do TNS Team accept the ODR India's resolution like in my user id they agree to help me on cases of past 60 days.

6. Please check my case the let me know is there any possibility left that my account will be reinstated or i have to forgot to do business further on ebay.

Hope that above question will help and educate other seller's also.

I again say the changes are good and its all in favour of buyer as well as seller's like if we follow this then we get more buyer and i must say that we seller must do all this them self not by the force of any policy or terms as a professional.

I hope that i get reply from your side.

Best Regards,
Surender Dagar
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Dear Sharatji,
I have another problem.I give discount for combined shipping.Your shopping cart probably does not recognise this feature.This has happened twice.
This is a very embarassing situation.After all I face the buyer.I must be able to justify the actions.I try to make up by giving free gifts.But I cant do anything after the payment has been made by the buyer by PaisaPay button.Please look up this urgently.
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Open House with Sharat on Marketplace Health & TnS on Sept 13, 4 to 5 pm

Community Member
Hello Again,

One good change for sellers i have noticed is now the customer has to PAY first to confirm there BUY, this has cleared all problems i used to have with UPI...So Congrats...

But please do something about your new SNP policy, if sellers dont have there id left, wats the use of these cool new features???
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