Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
On Sharat's behalf:

Hi, I am Sharat Digumarti and I recently taken up the responsibility of managing Operations and Customer Support for eBay India. I invite you to join me for an Open House discussion on eBay PaisaPay operations and Customer Support.

Over the last one year, we have taken multiple initiatives, to make your eBay expereience a pleasure.

• Revamped Buyer protection program into eBay Guarantee* making it Simpler, faster & convenient for our Buyers to resolve their concerns with their purchases
• Extended Seller Protection policy to protect Sellers interest
• Expanded PaisaPay payment options (Credit cards / Debit cards/ Banks transfers/ Prepaid cards / Cash On delivery), enabling buyers to chose their preferred payment mode to pay for their purchases on eBay
• Expanded from “only email” communication channel to also include Chat as a option for resolving certain TnS related queries
• Launched Max caps for Shipping & handling charges to provide transparency to buyers on the overall cost of the item
• Implemented mandatory 5 star for shipping & handling DSR for free shipping transactions
• Implemented & fine tuned (basis community feedback) INR policy to penalize Sellers who have high INR rates.

Having said the above, I also believe that we still have a long way to go to deliver on the high expectations of our members. On Thursday, Dec 2nd from 4 PM - 5 PM, I shall be available on this thread to hear and understand your requirements such that we can bring further improvements in the Customer Support team and operations process.

Looking forward to meeting you here!

Thanks and Regards,
Sharat Digumarti
Head – Operations & Customer Support
Message 1 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Hi i am a new Seller on eBay last 4 Months i work with eBay and see this thread as per Mr. Sharat's Behalf he Say Extended Seller Protection policy to protect Sellers interest

i want to know exact what is Seller Protected Policy i don't think this type of Policy have running by eBay i say this because last October to till i Mails and Proves Itemes Delivered to Customer But Still my Paisapay on Hold after writing 40-50 mails to and has no reply and no soloution , if any problem face like me then what soltuion hav ebay against Seller Protection( His Money), eBay Charge Selling Fee - we pay that , eBay Charge Listing Fee -we pay that , eBay Charge Final Value Fee ,etc. etc. we pay time to time if delay then ebay charge some % of Late fee, if our remmitance on hold due to eBay then no % of Interest pay by eBay,

only one mail we recived for a order from ebay and we dispch material/product to buyer, we know ebay has to pay after delivery, but if buyer not responding for his recipt or seller has no Proof of Delivery then what is the solution,

i my case there is 3 paisapay id who not confirm his item recipt in paisapay and paisapay hold ,after some hard work leave my routine work by side i mail to buyer call to buyer arrrange Proof of delivery to ebay but no solution still there my 50000/- Rs Hold on eBay , how ca i get that that is y hard money , not ebay Money, if ebay still hold that money then what can i do ? i am very tired now for asking my money delivered to me and loosing hope for any solution and looking forward to hearing your comment regarding my case

Message 21 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Well have a handful of requests

1)Check ebay guarantee program bug, whereby have noticed some buyers on next day itself open up claims of item not received, atleast paispay timelines should be honoured for opening item not received under eBay guarantee program.

2)Negative or neutral feedbacks pertaining to delivery or courier services, for goods delivered within the paispay timelines,should not be entertained and if reported to TnS should be instantly removed, as only after agreeing to the timelines does a buyer buy out the same, and then if he posts a -ve or neutral feedback for giving him express or overnight delivery should not be entertained.As its against contractual obligations of the sale also to demand for what is not agreed.

3)please adopt policy of 5 star rating for SHIPPING TIME if item is shipped on the same day, i.e, within 24 business hours, and if it reaches within the paispay timelines.Here why there should be any leeway given to the buyer to post lesser than 5 stars if seller has performed the bestest possible.

4)Please allow neutral feedbacks to be fought in the community court, as buyers most of the time donot understand the gravity of the feedback system, and ruin buyers routine too.Atleast if the seller cannot post neutral for the buyers or negatives, atleast give him a chance to prove that the buyer is unecessarily exploiting the eBay feedback system.

5)Auto remove the -ve feedback by the community court, if the buyer never cares to explain his stand in the community court, it is unecessarily delaying the adjudication process, its like justice delayed is justice denied type, also this will lessen the burden of adjudication on the jury, as when the buyer is least interested in clarifying his stand why should more time of the seller be wasted in the adjudication process, and howsoever if the other party is not clarifying his stand, jury ought to VOTE FOR THE SELLER, so it makes no sense to lengthen the simple process, it should be auto-voted as EX-PARTE Case and the seller should win, by system initiation as non-attendance of the buyer.

6)have seen that the jury are given the cases of such other ebay members with whom they have dealt in near future either as a seller or as a buyer, which myself have experienced, and saw one buyer asking for some benefits also as he was adjudicating one of my cases in the position of the jury, this will lead to corruption and petty politics, and malign the system, please look into the software which assigns the cases to the jury members, it should specifically weed out if any of the cases contains a member id who has been a seller or buyer of any of the parties to dispute in recent past,THIS IS VERY SERIOUS MATTER PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS.have been a victim myself of a buyer jury asking for favours indirectly.

Thanks sharatji do please look into the sellers woes, otherwise no other type of seller protection we ask from you, we can do all other things on our own, just protect us from unscrupulous buyers, thanks.
Message 22 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Well have a handful of requests

1)Check ebay guarantee program bug, whereby have noticed some buyers on next day itself manage to open up claims of item not received, atleast paispay timelines should be honoured/respected for opening item not received under eBay guarantee program.

2)Negative or neutral feedbacks pertaining to delivery or courier services, for goods delivered within the paispay timelines,should not be entertained and if reported to TnS should be instantly removed, as only after agreeing to the timelines as listed by the seller does a buyer buy out the same, and then if he posts a -ve or neutral feedback for not giving/providing him express or overnight delivery should not be entertained.As its against contractual obligations of the sale also for a buyer to demand for courier/delivery services what is not agreed for in pre-sales.

3)please adopt policy of 5 star rating for ""SHIPPING TIME DSR"" if item is shipped on the same day, i.e, within 24 business hours of having ordered, and if it reaches within the paispay timelines.Here why there should be any leeway given to the buyer to post lesser than 5 stars if seller has performed the bestest possible.

4)Please allow neutral feedbacks to be fought in the community court, as buyers most of the time donot understand the gravity of the feedback system, and ruin sellers routine too.Atleast if the seller cannot post neutral for the buyers or negatives, atleast give him a chance to prove that the buyer is unecessarily exploiting the eBay feedback system.Have observed even after trying to contact them umpteen number of times they are least interested in reversing the neutrals with lame reasons, even if there is no particular reason for posting the same.

5)Auto remove the -ve feedback by the community court, if the buyer never cares to explain his stand in the community court, it is unecessarily delaying the adjudication process, its like"" justice delayed is justice denied type"", also this will lessen the burden of adjudication on the jury, as when the buyer is least interested/bothered in clarifying his stand, Why should more time of the seller be wasted/kept on tenterhooks in the adjudication process, and howsoever if the other party is not clarifying his stand, jury most certainly ought to VOTE FOR THE SELLER, so it makes no sense to lengthen the simple process, it should be auto-voted as EX-PARTE Case and the seller should win, by system initiation as non-attendance of the buyer.

6)Have seen that the jury members are given the cases of such other ebay members with whom they have dealt in near past ,either as a/in capacity of a seller or as a buyer, which myself have experienced, and saw one such jury buyer asking for some benefits also as he was adjudicating one of my cases in the position of the jury, this will lead to corruption and petty politics, and malign the system,

Please look into the software which assigns the cases to the jury members, it should specifically weed out if any of the cases contains a member id who has been a seller or buyer of any of the parties to dispute in recent past,THIS IS VERY SERIOUS MATTER PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS.have been a victim myself of a buyer jury asking for favours indirectly.

Thanks sharatji do please look into the sellers woes, other then this no other type of seller protection we ask from you, we can do all other things on our own, just protect us from unscrupulous buyers, thanks.
Message 23 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Please delete my post number 21 have posted in mistake due to net connection fluctuation and this post number 23 also thence.
Message 24 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

@Mr. Sharat Digumarti...

I have few simple suggestions for ebay paisapay. You can implement it if you feel it is worthwhile or you can junk it, its your wish...

1. Buyer with less than 25 feedback's (feedback not transactions) should NOT be allowed to give rating to sellers at all.

2. In comm court the time limit for buyer to reply to sellers comments should be reduced to 2 days immediately. After all it is the buyer who is aggrieved and has given Negative to the seller so why should he not reply ??.

3. If a buyer does not reply to a comm court case then the case should be rejected outright and closed in favour of the seller. Here the buyer has been inconvenienced and if is not bothered to reply then it means the issue is frivolous and does not merit a place in comm court and jury time should not be wasted on such cases.

4. In ebay help pages please give explicit explanation of "EBAY'S SELLER PROTECTION POLICY" and we need it in simple lucid language and in detail so that any seller when required can use it as a guide to get protection from ebay.

Thank You for your time.
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Dear Sharat,
Greetings from Linus Studios!

Here are our suggestions, I wont go in detail as much has already been said about some of these many a times and
others are self explanatory.

1- Fix a time period, only after completion of which a buyer can leave neutral/negative.(similar to time after which UPI can be filed) Make in mandatory for buyer that he/she at least contacts seller once before leaving negative/neutral feedback.

2- Allow neutrals to be appealed in CC.

3- Make it mandatory for every new buyer to once go through a tutorial before his first purchase. It may sound a little cheesy but it can be sauced with a discount voucher offered after completion of tutorial/

4- Plz ensure that CSR's do not ask buyer to file INR cases for oher issues.

5- Next to every item listing as seen to buyer put in a small link like this-

6- Make a couple of moderators on this community boards. eBay pinks are almost extinct after Indraneel Left. He was almost everywhere, answering all queries. Helping anyone in Need. We sure miss him.

7- Make Daily deals more attractive by rolling in items faster like in .com. These days items are stuck for 3-4 Days at a stretch. And Participation fees for DOD. We all were better off that, recent performance of DOD's can be attributed to that also.

8- Pamper sellers, instead of distributing coupons. If sellers are pampered they will give good deals. Coupon marketing is very dangerous and has very adverse after effects. Sending Packaging material is a thing which can be brought back.( BTW I recently got an item ordered on eBay delivered inside Packaging of another e-commerce site.)

9- 24 Hours Phone Support to all buyers and sellers.

10-Please instruct ur CSR's Not to say- " I have a small request, you will be transferred to a small automated survey where......" .
It really irritates now.

Thanks for all the good work work done till now and wish all luck and courage for future.

Message 26 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

I was Facing So much "Payment not Received" Cases.As a Seller i am Fed up with that,When i close the Case ebay will leave a Unpaid mark and They will Remove the Unpaid Item strike.

From all this i have learned that the Sellers Verification is Going well on Ebay,But Buyer Verification is Not Present in Ebay.

Some Buyer are bidding for Playing Purposes.just for a Time Pass and it is telling that The buyer will face Action if they Do not Pay for the item,Some times the ebay will Terminate their Account but the Buyer will Create a new account with Same Address and details only a user name will change,In Reality nothing is happening to them

Sellers like us are Facing a Huge Percentage of loss due to this kind of buyers.

As a Permanent Solution i have some Suggestions
1, Start a Telephonic Verification Process(Computerized)
2, Send a Letter to the Buyers House with a Account Verification number When creating a new Account (make it mandatory to start bidding,This will be a Proof For Address and Reduce Playing Buyers)
3, When the Representative call the buyer For "Payement Reminder" (when a payment not received case is filed).Please Remind that it is a Contract under the Contract ACT Of Govt of india

When the Ebay become Safe,Then only new Buyers and Sellers will come to Take their Part in Ebay

This is a Suggestion From my Side,I Request all Sellers to Post their View and Make ebay the best and No.1 Shopping Site in India
Message 27 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
I agree with jaywebs , in 3 months I have faced 3 cases of payment not received and all buyers were new with 0 feedback ...

I am a small seller so I cannot afford to wait for 10 days for a payment !
Message 28 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM

Community Member
Can Ebay & Global Easy Buy, neglect a USD 2 Billion Indian Market, by sheer ignorance to customers need and lousy service?

It is a shame to make customers suffer on account of no communication/information and absolutely no regards to the money customers on risk with you and still you do nothing on an immediate basis. It is sheer aloofness and high-handedness in absence of a good competition. Mind you friends, no market has remained under the clutches of monopoly. Its only a matter of time before you guys are going to get wiped off.

I am not threatening by only pointing out the obvious.

Rishav Sinha
(Still struggling to get information on my shipment)
Message 29 of 62
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Open House Discussion with Sharat on Customer Support on 2nd Dec, 4–5 PM
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi All,

A warm welcome to the Open House today!

We have Sharat with us today for a free and frank discussion on eBay Customer Support, PaisaPay Operations and Trust & Safety Issues.

We will start with responding to the questions posted earlier. Please be patient with our typing speed as well 🙂

Please welcome Sharat and lets get started.

Message 30 of 62
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