Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!
Community Member
Hello everyone,

I'm Navin, Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories, eBay India.

I'm glad to be here on the community boards to discuss topics such as how can we better merchandise our products in Lifestyle categories, improve our visual display through quality listings, bring in more variety in our categories, address challenges related to customised products and many more such issues that our dear sellers face while conducting their business on eBay.

As Indraneel mentioned in his earlier thread here, we would like to synergise our knowledge on business data trends with your expertise knowledge of the market.

I will be here for an hour from 4 – 5 PM on Wednesday, 7th May to answer your questions regarding Selling in Lifestyle categories*.

To post your message on this workshop please click on 'Post a reply' tab below this thread.

See you on –

Wednesday, 7th May, 4 – 5 PM!

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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Community Member
Hello Navin,

It's great to see you here with such an initiative.

BRANDS play an important role in building up the Market Place.

Also, I am aware that our Country Head Mr. Ambareesh Murty is quite inclined towards promoting Brands.

But .... unfortunately .... regular promotion of Brands have taken a back seat and the stress is more on weekly Mega Promotions with lowest quote.

Such Promotions .... I feel .... may help only in short term gains .... and can never build up a strong Base for the Market Place.

Few Sellers with specific products which can generate higher volumes may only benefit out of such promotions.

I strongly feel that .... nothing has been done so far to promote Brands on a regular basis.

Although one initiative ..... BRAND STREET .... which there for sometime has now been removed from the Home Page since many months.

Would like to know if you have any Plan to promote BRANDS on a regular basis.

best regards

Umang Midha .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 2 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Hi Dears

Hope to haave a meaningful brain stroming session.

Sirs, what steps are being taken to make ebay users - specially the Buyers more serious and commited .

Message 3 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Community Member
How to make good communication after he/she has won the auction.Bcause 3 of my buyer have not pay me.
is it possible to become powerseller in jewellery shop?
Because they are of very small amount.
Message 4 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Hello Navin,

I must extend compliments for sparing time to discuss things. I must use the platform to suggest some concrete steps for creating better environment, raise some impractical policies of Ebay to make this site more useful.

# I suggest - like all big product companies and insurance companies etc. do -- Ebay should organise a conference for Power Sellers anually offering them to join and share there views. The venue may depend upon amount of Ebay Fees anually they pay to Ebay. The venue may be Malayasia,Singapore, Goa etc. This will greatly help all to increase listing, sales, discourage all to perform out of Ebay transactions, boost confidence in Ebay etc.
# From the Day has introduced listing fees, number of listings had to be decreased because practically viewership is not so much that it can justify listing fee. The result, less listings -- less options to buyers to view the product. I propose -- listing fee should be abolished or may be flat 0.25 paise for one week, and Final Value Fee may be increased somewhat.

# We had to loose considerable money when foreign buyer return any goods -- it stucks at Customs in Mumbai-- requires to be cleared by Agent -- which is impractical for a seller sitting 2500 km away. Ebay or PayPal just verifies the status online that parcel has been despatched by buyer -- it pays back. At last the product is lost. The system should be, Ebay should keep money in its escrow account till the parcel reaches to seller.

Thanking You,
Ashok Agarwal
Ebay ID: Sitare_Jewels
Message 5 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

HI dear Navin Ji

I am very much excited to see you in this new role and very much confident also that you will do great in your category.

as you discussed with me earliear also that for international sellers who are sending their good thru INdia registered post ebay will provide the security of not loosing the amount by providing the receipt issued by post office if the amount of the item is less than 2000. I am sure this will catch you up a lot of international sellers back on as most of the sellers who are selling internationally like me are opting other ebay sites coz of low insertion and not delivery boudations as the payment method is paypal and they used to deliver goods thru India registered post which is cheapest in the shipping world.

I am sure to have some more info on this topic from you so that i and lots of other sellers can again plan their strategy on

Heartly wishing you very best of luck (Punjabi Style Dil Se)

sachin sood
Message 6 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Hello Navin

Thank you for conducting this workshop.

I would only like to ask if there is any hope left for an increase in International shipment timeframe for custom made products ???

Thanks very much

Meenu Jain

Message 7 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!
Community Member
Hello All,

Welcome to the Online Workshop with Navin our Category Manager, Lifestyle categories, eBay India.

Thank you for taking out time from your busy schedules and posting on this thread.

We have Navin with us and he will be privileged to have a discussion with our esteemed community members reagrding selling in Lifestyle Categories.

Message 8 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Community Member
Greetings and Namashkar to all those on Board - What I feel presence is NOT encouraging at all
Message 9 of 27
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Online Workshop with Category Manager, Lifestyle Categories!

Not applicable
Dear Members,

I welcome you all on this thread. Thank you for taking out your time and posting your messages. I will be available for the next 1 hour and will be happy to engage in discussions & will try my best to answer your queries.

Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Message 10 of 27
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