What is the Top Rated Seller?
New eBay Top-rated seller status: It's not sales volume that distinguishes quality of service. That's why, starting in October, a new PowerSeller status—eBay Top-rated seller—will highlight and reward those sellers creating the best buyer experiences.
•eBay Top-rated sellers will earn top rewards: 20% fee discounts, exclusive promotion in search results for Fixed Price listings, exclusive ability to purchase Featured First, and a prominent Top-rated seller badge on their item pages.
•PowerSellers of all levels, from Bronze to Titanium, can qualify as eBay Top-rated sellers if they have at least 100 transactions and $3,000 sales in the past year, and low DSRs (1s and 2s) on no more than 0.50% of all transactions with U.S. buyers on each of their 4 DSRs.
•To ensure that lower-volume sellers (fewer than 400 annual transactions) can be included as Top-rated sellers, two instances of 1s or 2s on each of the four DSRs will be allowed before the 0.50% requirement is applied.
•The time period over which a seller's low DSRs are evaluated will depend on sales volume: For sellers with 400 or more transactions over the past 3 months, it's 3 calendar months. For all other sellers, it's 12 calendar months.
•Until April 2010, the current PowerSeller discount structure based on average 30-day DSRs will also continue: 20% for 4.9; 15% for 4.8; and 5% for 4.6. PowerSellers will continue to get those discounts through April 2010 as long as they continue to meet the 30-day DSR requirements. This gives PowerSellers eight full months to keep those discounts while they evaluate and adjust their business practices to meet the new requirements.