Don't know about others but for me the sale of stamps has dropped. I have almost stopped listing of gems as they were slow moving items. In fact I am also seeing lower no. of bids for other sellers. At least that's what I have observed.
Before starting of the listing fees the total number of listings were around 2.2-2.3lacs and now its around 1.5-1.6lacs. So the number of listings have not dropped substantially. I think the bogus listings are very much there targetting the new buyers but the low selling good listings with low success rates have dropped so much that its difficult to find those.
Low selling of good items are not because of faults of sellers. Its because of the poor buyer base of ebay. In fact I have often targetted some particular gem listing for months before buying , definitely as a single bidder. Don't think now anybody will be able to sustain such months long listing. But these were good listings and we are loosing those or its becoming too costly.
Earlier there were many good single stamps on sale but now most of the sellers are listing in lots. To buy a single desired one I need to buy the full lot mostly full of simple common stamps.
May be things are better for Electronics items but I don't buy / sell those.
Anyway, NOBODY IS GOING TO LISTEN TO ALL THESE. LISTING FEES ARE HERE TO STAY. IF YOU LIKE IT , YOU SELL , ELSE STOP SELLING IN EBAY. That's the message at least I have got. Better, just be a spectator and think of the good old days
Best Regards

Best Regards