Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Sellers,

Buyers love a Sale! Now eBay Shop owners can give them what they want with Markdown Manager.This exclusive tool for shop owners allows you to schedule a temporary discount across specific listings, categories or all Fixed Priced and Shop Inventory listings and market the new "SALE" price to buyers.

In this workshop, we will discuss more on how Markdown Manager works and how you may use it to your benefit.

Date: 21st March 2007,
Time – 4 – 5 PM

See you on the workshop!

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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member
I think "Best Offer" option should be introduced. Markdown Manager is not a better option.

Also i think "Immediate Payment Required" option must be there.

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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member
I completely agree with auctionsjewelry. "Best Price" feature must be introduced. I can explain with an example.

Let the CP of an item is Rs.1000 and seller list this item for Rs. 1800(let's say). Buyers want to purchase this for 1400 or 1500 will avoid buying this item. If the best price offered is introduced the buyer can do a bargain. With this seller also can get some profit and both buyer and seller will satisfy with S.P and Margin.

With Regards,
Raman Mittal
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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member

Mark down manager is really good. I loved it a lot. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 4 of 14
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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Members,

Welcome to today's workshop. Today we have DJ from the category team to take you through the Mark Down manager tool. He will be glad to take questions on how you can use the tool to increase your business. He will be starting with posting some FAQs, followed which he will answer questions if any.

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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member
Hi Everyone,
My name is D.J.Basumatari. I am a part of the Category team in eBay India. I will be your host today.

We have introduced a new tool called Markdown Manager using which a seller can run “Discounted Promotions” through his eBay shop. Today, we would like to take you through this feature and how you can leverage it to improve your eBay business.
With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team

With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team
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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member

Q: What is Markdown Manager?
A: Markdown Manager is a free feature exclusive to eBay Shops sellers that allows them to discount the price of their items.

Q: How do I access this feature?
A: Markdown Manager will be available for all eBay Shops subscribers under My eBay > Marketing Tools > Item Promotion> Markdown Manager

Q: Why should I do a sale?
Sale are a great way to attract more footfalls or eye balls to your listings. There are two avenues through which a sale might positively help your business

  • It should help in a better conversion of already existing traffic to your listings resulting into more business
  • It should help in driving new traffic to your listings who should get you incremental business

As a seller you may use the following reasons for a sale:
  • Occasion based sale – An occasion like festivals are a perfect reason to stage a sale. Example – Diwali, Holi, Valentine day, Anniversary discount etc. Similarly, if you are dealing in Women apparel, you may want to have a sale on women clothing for the occasion of women’s day.
  • Seasonal sale – Many shops conduct a sale to mark the end or start of a season. For example – Winter clothing clearance sale can be put up at beginning of summer. Rain wear can be put up just before the rainy season for that is the time buyers would want to buy such products.
  • Clearance Sale – Sellers also use sale to clear off huge inventory that they have accumulated. Such sales are normally available on out of season products, seconds, damaged products etc

Q: Where can buyers see my discounted listings?
A: Buyers will see either a special strike-through pricing and a Sales logo in the following places:
  • View Item Page
  • Cross Promotions on the bottom of the View Item Page
  • Seller Email Marketing
  • eBay Shops Promotion Boxes
  • eBay Express View Item Page

Buyers will see special strike-through pricing in the following places:
  • In-Shop Search (this is the Search within a particular Shop)
  • Items I'm Watching (if the item has gone on Sale after it was added to the buyer's watch list)
  • Items I'm Watching Ending Soon Email
  • In all other areas, the "Sale Price" will be displayed as the BIN price (including in the main eBay Search results).

With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team

With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team
Message 7 of 14
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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member

Q: What listings are available in Markdown Manager?
A: You can use Markdown Manager to discount all Fixed Price and Shop Inventory Listings.

Q: How do I apply discounted Sale pricing to my listings?
A: When Creating or Editing a Sale you can select:
  • All listings from a category
  • This will apply to all currently active Fixed Price and Shop Inventory Listings in the selected category
  • All currently active Shop Inventory Listings
  • All currently active Fixed Price Listings
  • Individual items selected by the Item Picker

Note: all of these selections will only apply to currently active listings. If you would like to apply a Sale to future listings, you will need to select them in the Sale once they become active.

Q: When does the "Sale Ends in X days" appear on the View Item page?
A: This text will only appear if the sale ends within the next 7 days or fewer.

Q: How soon will my scheduled Sale start once I submit it?
A: Under normal circumstances the Sale should start at the specified time, however in some rare cases it may take up to 6 hours for the Sale to become active.

Q: I selected a category to be put on Sale, but some of my listings weren't included.
A: This may have occurred for multiple reasons:
  • Markdown Manager only applies discounts to Fixed Price and Shop Inventory Listings
  • Some of the listings did not meet the requirements as mentioned in Listing Requirements
  • The listing became active after the Sale was created.
  • You selected the listing to go in another Sale with overlapping dates.

With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team

With warm regards
D.J. Basumatari
Category Team
Message 8 of 14
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Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

Community Member

Q: What are my limitations to scheduling a Sale?
A: Your limitations to scheduling a Sale are listed below:
  • 1 Day Minimum Sale Duration
  • 45 Days Maximum Duration
  • 5% Minimum Discount
  • 75% Maximum Discount
  • 24 hour wait time from when an item goes off Sale to when it can go back on Sale.

Q: What are Sale Listing Limits?
A: Sale Listing Limits are the number of listings that can be scheduled for any given day PLUS the number of edits to any active Sale.
The daily limit is defined per Shop subscription:
  • Basic Shop Subscribers: 250 Listings per day
  • Featured Shop Subscribers: 2,500 Listings per day
  • Anchor Shop Subscribers: 5,000 Listings per day

For example:
  • Seller A is a Basic Shop subscriber and schedules a "New Years" 10% off sale with 250 listings to start on January 1st and end on January 15th. This sale will be allowed.
  • If Seller A schedules another Sale with 250 listings to start on January 1st, they will be unable to do so because they have reached their limit for that day.
  • However, Seller A can schedule a second sale to Start on January 2nd with another unique 250 listings, because they have not reached their limit for January 2nd.
  • Likewise, if Seller A tried to change the % off of their "New Years" Sale on January 1st after the Sale became active, they will be unable to because they have reached their maximum edits for that day.

    Q: How many Sales can I create?
    A: You can create as many Sales as you like and potentially have an unlimited number of listings on Sale at any given time, however you will be restricted by the number of listings that you can actively manage (create or edit Sale) per day. Please check your listing limit per day.

    Q: How far in the future can I schedule a Sale?
    A: You can schedule a Sale up to 6 months in advance.

    Q: Can I edit my Sales once they are active?
    A: Yes, however the number of listings on Sale that you can edit will be limited to your daily listing limit (see Listing Limits above).

    Q: Can I reschedule a Sale once it has ended?
    A: Yes, you can reschedule a Sale once it has ended, but you will need to wait at least 24 hours before it can become active.

    Q: Why is my Sale in the Processing State?
    A: When first scheduling a Sale, if you select over 200 listings to be in any given Sale, it will take some time for us to process the request. You will receive an email letting you know when this process is complete.

    Q: Can I create a Sale to start immediately?
    A: You can schedule a Sale to start as early as the next hour.

    Q: Can a listing be in multiple Sales?
    A: Listings cannot be in multiple active Sales. Listings can be in multiple scheduled Sales as long as the scheduled dates do not overlap. If the dates overlap, the listing will be in the Sale that was most recently saved.

    Q: How can I see which of my listings are currently on Sale?
    A: You can see the listings on Sale in the "Items I'm Selling" section of My eBay or Selling Manager. You can also see them by going to the "Manage Sales" page and clicking on the number by the corresponding sale to see the listings in that Sale event.

    Q: Can I delete a Sale?
    A: Yes, you can delete a Sale as long as it is not active or pending.

    With warm regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team

  • With warm regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team
    Message 9 of 14
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    Leveraging Markdown manager in Shop to get more buyers (21 Mar; 4-5 PM)

    Community Member

    Q: What happens if my listings end before my Sale ends?
    A: You can add listings to a Sale if the listings end before the Sale as long as the listings will be on Sale for at least 24 hours.

    Q: I list items in multiple countries; can I still put them on Sale?
    A: Yes, you can add listings from multiple currencies into the same sale. However if you select an amount off, it will be applied in the listing's local currency.

    Q: How is the Final Value Fee calculated for items on Sale?
    A: The Final Value Fee will be calculated based on whatever price the item was sold. The Sale price will be treated as the actual price in all flows.

    Q: How is the Listing Fee for items on sale calculated?
    A: The Listing Fee will be calculated based on the highest value of that item in the 30 day billing cycle.

    Q: What happens if I edit the price of a listing on Sale?
    A: If you change the price of a listing after it has been added to any Sale (active & inactive) it will be removed from all Sales.

    Q: How is the percent off calculated (is it rounded)?
    A: The percent off is calculated by ([Original price] - [Sale Price]) / [Original Price]. The decimal points will be dropped from the % off.

    For example: Item A was listed for Rs 1000 and gets reduced by Rs100. The new Sale Price will be Rs 900, the % off will reflect 10%

    Q: What happens if I relist an item that is on Sale?
    A: If you relist or sell a similar item, it should be relisted at the original price.
    With warm regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team

    With warm regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team
    Message 10 of 14
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