Learn 2 Make Beautiful Listings & ways 2 Recieve PaymentS frm ABROAD

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  • let
    us start creating beautiful listings TO grab buyers attention towards
    our products

  • would love
    to help all new sellers who want TO start selling on eBay.

    power sellers
    ARE also requested to join us & share more idea's TO receive money FROM
    international buyers. there are several site's THAT offer low fee for
    sending & receiving money using A email. let US discuss how it WORKS & share our
    experience regarding same.

    "Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.”
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    Learn 2 Make Beautiful Listings & ways 2 Recieve PaymentS frm ABROAD

    Let us start creating beautiful listings TO grab buyers attention towards our products
    would love to help all new sellers who want TO start selling on eBay.
    power sellers ARE also requested to join us & share more idea's TO receive money FROM international buyers. there are several site's THAT offer low fee for sending & receiving money using A email. let US discuss how it WORKS & share our experience regarding same.
    "Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.”
    Message 2 of 3
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    Learn 2 Make Beautiful Listings & ways 2 Recieve PaymentS frm ABROAD

    Community Member
    Hi kaya_jewels,
    This is really a good topic that you have touched upon. Many buyers look for products by searching using keywords. Thus it becomes extremely relevant that you use the right keywords. Before making the title of the item, step back for a moment and think of the various words that a buyer might use for searching for the item you are listing. Make the listing title attractive by including the relevant keywords.

    But at the same time, you shouldn't spam keywords and which is generally considered bad behaviour. This leads to buyer unpleasantness. An example: you include the word "Nokia" in a diamond ear ring listings. This item turns up when the buyer is looking for Nokia mobiles. Imagine his unpleasantness.
    With regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team

    With warm regards
    D.J. Basumatari
    Category Team
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