Introducing Free Shipping

Dear members,


We value your feedback. Please post your queries/suggestions/feedback regarding this here.



Team eBay India.

Message 1 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

What about books ? I think books should also be included in this category.

Message 61 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

Introducing free shipping will create problem in issusing invoice specially for branded items. Suppose a seller is selling an item at MRP of Rupees. 2100 and to offer free shipping he adds shipping of rupees 150 in MRP, so he has to sell an item at rupees 2250 which is above MRP of the item which is not allowed. Also to issue VAT invoice a seller will be forced to charge vat on the shipping as well if it's part of the item price. My suggestion is 1)Allow sellers to add shipping while listing the item, however show only the final price to the buyer after adding shipping charges and the final price should be displayed on the listing page, with instructions to the buyer stating that "price includes shipping" instead of "free shipping." Regards, Shoppers_Paradise4u
Message 62 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

My ebay id: ssphila


In Stamp Catogary : Free Shipping is non Practical Idea for Both Buyer & Seller.




1. This Catogary  had not Heavy Products where Shipping Charges is Very High.


2. Most of Sellers Chagers nearby Rs.50/-  for Any no. of Purchase with Combine Invoice of  ( Buy it now And Auction ). cause Buyers wants only Single Shipping charge for his multipal purchase.


3. In Stamp Catogary  most of Listing are Priced between Rs. 50/-  to Rs.300/-.


4. If you are implement this policy without geting view of All Power Seller of this Catogary. then Majority Business are fall down quickly. cause no one Buyres wants to buy multypal items with multipal Shipping Charges.


5. Many sellers had listed 1000++ Listing in with Good Till Cancle in Buy it now Option without Including Shipping Charges. Can Seller Close All this Listing Before Implement of this Policy ???? Are ebay  wants to lost this Business ????


6. There is no this type of Forcefully Shipping Policy in Other ebay sites like ..... ....


7. I request not to implement this change in 'Stamps' Category to avoid lot of inconvenience to both Buyers & Sellers. If you are planning to go ahead with the change, we have to stop listing under ‘Stamps’ Categories in ‘Fixed price’. Also wants to close all listing with Good Till Cancle.




Sanjiv Sutaria

Message 63 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

The biggest problem lies with is that the seller  includes nil as shipping cost for local courier while they include a heavy cost for the national courier. So in the search result buyer see that the shipping cost is free and product available at cheap rate but then they get to bear a heavy cost. This creates problem for the buyers.


The prominent solution is to include a flat rate courier which will be seen in search result. Then buyer wont be in any confusion and the rate will be justifyingly be visible to them for comparison. 


Offering free shipping is totally vague idea. Where margin is low the shipping cost will increase the price way above. I want the customer to know that the product is of 70rs and you want shipment so I am collection 50rs more. I do not want customer to complain for overpricing. Shipping charge is actually convenience charge. Convenience Charge should never be made free. This will make all the low priced items to be held as overpriced.


Please relook into this vague concept.


Message 64 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

But in the new shipping policy how to calulate the each extra item price.For examle I am going to buy one item price 100 and when i need 3 quantity of the same item then how to calcuate the extra charges for shipping.  

Message 65 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

I agree with will be create problem on branded product
Message 66 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

Message 67 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

Dear Sir,

I am selling Stamps etc.,

169978Indian Stamps
70088Pre Independence (Pre 1947)
169981Definitive Stamps
169982Miniature Sheets
169983Sheets / Sheetlets
169984Year Book
693Other Indian Stamps

My product is such that buyers are provided with discounts in case of multiple purchases in the auction.  If you introduce free shipping, we will have to load it to the product.  There are about 70% of items wherein sellers of these items are getting less than what we pay to eBay as fees and hence we have to be exempted from this rule.  You can yourself see the pricing of the items Face Value and offer price and calculate our profit margin after deducting your commission.  Even then sales have dipped.  We will not be able to sell any item in ebay if we were to add shipping in the offer price.  This will result in eliminating the sellers of stamps etc. from your site.   What you do with buyers only, by driving away the sellers.  Stamps etc. mentioned above are different from most of the other products where offer price is more which can absorb cost of shipping and items more than one are not combined.   If you still insist on taking away shipping charge, sellers of items under above category will not be able to sell any more.  Please reconsider.

Message 68 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

Dear Sir,  In addition to my views expressed already on stamps, Please note that our profit margin is about 5% or even less on most of the items.  Even then the sales are not encouraging.  Sellers are also extending discount in shipments in case of multiple purchases.  This move is not helpful for both buyers and sellers of Stamps.

Message 69 of 95
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Introducing Free Shipping

Ebay team again rocking...
I m wait for this policy change from long time..Very Very Good Decision taken by ebay india bcos many sellers take profit this type of listing. He shows a product cost Rs. 30 and at a time of checkout buyer see +shipping Rs. 60 so final amount buyer see Rs. 90

This is a very good step taken.. Now look at single price
This move your sales boost and Both Buyers and Sellers happy..

Message 70 of 95
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