@linusstudio, perfect information and this would be the main reasons and would not be to deviate the Buyer.
@sales.india, Sometimes, these cases s just to claim refund or penalize a competitive Seller in the name of Buyer.
@ashishkohli2009, May be Sellers want to hide as few Buyers have default inceptions (like what you have). May be you are right about those Sellers but all would n't be bad from that area. Anyway, before buying you can see the feedback, sale count for the week, overall sale count and the no. of listings. Over it, you can have few chats and phone calls with Seller before paying. All this is needed if you have doubt on the Product and Seller. Else you can buy closing eyes on eBay from any Seller and Buyer (genuine) is definitely / mostly protected very well. When there is no loss for you and when everything is cooperative from this Seller, you can ignore such unimportant issues.
@sales.india, Sim: http://forums.ebay.in/thread.jspa?threadID=500008665