Vijayarasan, sorry to be saying this but you and many more buyers deserve to be cheated by such sellers, you people get cheated because you all are so greedy and when you see a cheap product you jump to buy it.
Use your head and tell me that from where will the seller send you the actual item the when the cost of the product is much more plus ebay fees, plus courier charges, plus paisapay fees, plus packing, where is the profit in this??. I am power seller and my cost is more by only 20/- but you people will not buy from sellers like us.
See one feedback that he has received for 2gb micro-sd card, "Finally got the item after 17 days, good condition but it had "Kingsome", which unbranded card maker gives 5 yr warranty for a product which comes without packaging ??.
Let me tell you, most sellers on ebay who sell cheap and do under cutting of rates are selling counterfeit and stamped products, but buyers don't understand that cause they are greedy and they get what they deserve.