I sold this item Item number: 290587883855 to Buyer ID:
gpssudan. He said that product is not working then he left a negative feedback and returned that product to me and he asked for refund now today he got refund.
as i received that product i listed that item on ebay and sold to eBay id: kishaloy the item i working fine to him
Now What about that negative feed back that i recived from same product which i working with other user.
what is your protection to me I got a negative feedback for product which is working with no problem ?
buyer got his refund after leaving negative feedback what about me i have not done any thing wrong.
Do you think is it right.
my shop image is down graded because of you I want to file claim for reviving a negative feedback for a product that have no problem. I got negative feed back because the buyer don know any thing.