The promo on the Ebay India website titled 'For Him' & 'For Her' disseminates Gender Bias. It propogates a message that Women are only Beauty Conscious. It labels Women as mere 'Consumer' with no brains for 'techy / intellectual' stuff. We request you to kindly remove the discriminating content.
These Ideologies infiltrate into the minds of People with greater influence and adds up to 'Gender Casting', 'Gender Bias' and influence men also to think of women as only mere products for Sexual Appeal. The 'General Intellect' is carried away by 'attractive offers' and fail to think of the Male Chauvinistic Representation in such advertisements and Promos.
We from M.A.S.E.S 'Movement Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexism' strongly condemn this promo and request it to removed immediately.
71 people have already signed the petiton -