This facility of Global EASY BUY from USA is excellent opportunity for INDIAN buyers. Service is quick and prompt. I recently bought an Item on GEB. When i got the parcel, i was exited, i connected the system to the power source. Imagine what happened??.
In USA systems use 120V power, while in India we use 250V power source. With in 10 min, my exitement was over. I was sad and depressed for loosing all the money. Now i will be careful in future. But any new buyer like me should not do this mistake.
This can happen with any one. So EBAY please indicate on the PRODUCT with a BOLD sticker warning to check the power SOURCE and REQUIREMENT for the GEB products. Like me many others may also suffer, if they do not know this aspect. People In INDIA have to buy a transformer to correct the power voltage. This is addittional expense.
This is a learning for me, through a hard way.