This is to Inform you that Some time Ago Mr. Ravi was a Seller of and he started to make People Fool by giving low prices phone ..He took money and Never send the phone. every 6 months He changes his bank and other details. I lost my 4000 Rs for nokia 2300.
As he started his new site. :
I had recently paid up Rs.16000/- for a Nokia 3230 to the same Mr.Ravi. He entertained us for few days saying that there is some problem. But now he logs in as Ramesh and does not even reply to us.
We have filed a police complaint against him. But you know the Indian Police(Its not much of a help anyways).
Well we should do something about this as more and more people will get duped into this fraud.
Now he has also posted his website on to google and people will for that "@#%&@*%^@&#&@".
What kind of action did you take against this guy?? of mr ravi mahadeven looks like a fraud.It has been a week that i have sent money,not thru ebay but on ebay i now see he is a fraud.
His tel no is 93676 01426 and has account in hsbc aS R Mahadeven.
the details are as
Krishcom Imports
7626D/24, Palayamkottai Road
Tuticorin, 628001, Tamil Nadu
Phones 9367601426, 0461271242
we have an account at hsbc and the number is
092011451006 of Mahadevan R
Pl get back
Hi, Pl. check out our latest price list at and get back.
His landline number is wrong.
He does not answer my calls and earlier he used to answer but after sending money rs.5600 he is not answering.
Please be careful.
Dr kirti b doshi
I have also paid him money through the same account. It has been almost a month now and I have not recd the phones yet.
The address that he has given in the records is that of a lodge - it is not an office. Other phone dealers in Tuticorrin say that lot of people have had problems with him.
I stay in Bangalore - any idea if I can file a police complaint in Bangalore?
I regret the unpleasant experience you had. I wish to reiterate the fact that eBay strives to takes all the necessary steps possible to protect its buyers from unpleasant experiences.
Also report your problem to the Dispute Consol (help on Dispute Consol) for eBay to take appropriate action
As you know eBay is a venue where the community transacts however we offer protection to buyers under Purchase Protection Program
Mover over we can offer support in providing information for any Law Enforcement escalations. The information shall be released to any Law Enforcement request only. For any further details kindly Contact Us Regards,
hi all!
the address given above for this person is fake.the real address is:-
Ravi Ms Gopal,
D-103,swamy sannathi street,
sumandarim TK,
amba sumandarim,
Tirunelveli,Tamil nadu.
Moreover,this guy has made a bulk of money by frauds.If u people want to complaint against him then u can cotact:-