Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member

Now the feedback changes are live as per as the annoncement.

A feedback by a buyer will be removed for unpaid item process is a good thing.

This will help a lot of sellers to maintain their profile good.

Even Honest buyers will get some faith with sellers. ---------------
With Regards,
Snrama ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member

I welcome this decision to remove feedback rating by a buyer who has not participated in the unpaid item process.

But on sellers part, there are some fraud sellers who are selling utmost inferior quality items differing widely from the listings. Some of them give retaliatory -ve feedbacks to those buyers posting honest but -ve FBs. There can be a simple link to report such offences of Feedbacks. IF, in future, the member (seller) is deregistered by ebay for fraudulent sellings (not for category violation or other complicated rules !!) then the buyers, who has reported of retaliatory feedbacks against him, can be relieved from those -ve ratings from such fraud sellers.

There can be several ways to get rid of such -ve feedbacks from the fraud sellers. Hope other members will also put their suggestions.

. Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
ID : emailswarup
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 2 of 14
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

I am little unclear about the date on which the policy is effective.The policy says:

"The new policy only applies to unpaid item claims filed on or after Tuesday, December 6th (except for those that were filed on or after December 6th and were closed before the change was fully implemented on December 9th). Eligibility is based on the Unpaid Item filing date, not when the feedback was left"

Can anybody clear that if a seller initiates an unpaid item process on 15.11.05 and closes the dispute on 15.12.05, whether the new policy will be applicable on it. I mean the date 6.12.05 is the initiation date of the unpaid item process or the date on which the dispute is closed and FVF credit received
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member
Good changes by ebay. ๐Ÿ˜„
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System
Community Member
Hello soma33123,

The data of 6th December is the initiation date of the Unpaid Item Process.

I hope this clarified. I apologize for the delay in responding to you.
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member
I have sold goods to a buyer. I got a mail from Paisapay saying that I can ship the goods now, which I did. I shipped the goods, but now it shows that seller has been suspended.

I sold around 10 items to him. And I should have got 10 positive feedback from him for sure.

What do i do now. Can ebay give me feedback or someone else. As a new seller with no feedback, it means a lot to me.

Kindly give me the feedback.
Message 6 of 14
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member
hello anithagroups ,

No one else can give you feedback in place of the Buyer.

Not even ebay.

Once the feedback is left by the Buyer, it can't be changed.(except in case of mutual withrawal)

Although, you have sold 10 Items to him and in case he has given you 10 positives....your score would have been only ONE.

This is because positive rating has to be unique to effect your score. So, your total positive received would have been 10 but score would have been only ONE.

Don't worry.....just move ahead as this is just the begining.
Work truthfully and you would automatically see the results.




best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 7 of 14
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member
Dear IndConcepts,

I know what you have explained me.

But my query was the buyer shows suspended and
thus he cant leave feedback to me. In such a
case, how can I get feedback.

My suggestiong is Ebay should give feedback in
such a case on showing POD.

Before my buyer could leave me feedback, he is
no longer user of Ebay.

Kindly tell me what to do in such a case.
Message 8 of 14
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System
Community Member
Hello anithagroups,

Instead of wondering over lost feedback, you should start worring about all the chargebacks you are going to get from sales to this suspended user.

I beleive the user has been suspended for fraudulent usage of credit cards. And if he has paid you by credit card and you have shipped all those products, be ready will all the Proof of Delivery otherwise your loss will be much more than 1 feedback.

You will end up loosing all you money too.

Newbies, beware of buyers who order more than 2-3 products from you on and makes payment by credit card. Verify the identity of the buyer before shipping him products. More often than not such a buyer would turn out to be a fraud.

Message 9 of 14
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Feedback on the New Changed Feedback System

Community Member
Hi anithagroups,
Hope you have been able to stop the delivery of the courier to Nigeria, as advised to you by some other respected member. If not then you must arrange to get the POD at the earliest as the buyer is a fraud from Nigeria. .

Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

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