Dear Users,
All over the world, community boards are a great place where users come together and discuss various issues, both related and not related to eBay. In the process, they gain from each other’s knowledge, share their success and disappointments, help others, make friends and most importantly have fun. We would like to provide eBay India users with a community place, where they can sit and relax while spending time on their various eBay activities.
We would like to introduce new boards, which we think will cater to varied interest of the Community members. Please do give us your feedback on the same. These boards are for you, and we will like you to be absolutely comfortable with them and enjoy them.
Books, Music and Movies
Cars and Bikes
Stamps, Coins and Notes
Jewellery and Lifestyle
Computer and Electronics
Games and Fun
Gupshup Central
To have a look at other countries community boards, please visit:
Warm Regards
Community Development Team