Error! Featured Listings coming after Regular Listings!

Community Member
We've listed 3 Cameras giving 100 Rupees for the Featured Listing Fees, the Product is W1 Camera, 5 MegaPixel...Now when we see the Listing in the Category of 5 MegaPixel Cameras, it's not coming in the Featured Listings on the 1st Page, it's coming at 6th Page after 200 Free Regular Listings!..

Now, what's your Explanation of this!....We're not giving 700Rs for 7 Featured Listings to come after Regular Listings..

We're want proof of everything...
Here is the Link...
Go to 6th Page to Find our Product by Paying 100Rs...
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Error! Featured Listings coming after Regular Listings!

Community Member
Even I am facing the same problem..!! Sent Bazee an Email.....No reply 😞

Our following Featured listings are coming on 4th page after regular listings !!!!

The page on which they are coming is .

Please rectify the error.

Hoping,,,,,,,,,Just Hoping
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Error! Featured Listings coming after Regular Listings!

Community Member
This is no error. has some convulted system where featured listing and regullar listing go in a pool and are ordered by some perverted logic which is defined by feautring and ending soon criteria.

So all featured plus listings will be only on page 4 and page 5 till the end time. We have had featured plus listing ending with as little as 25 visits.

There is a urgent need to rectify this system.

Listing should be sorted on basis of featuring only. The feautered ones appearing before non features. The ideal way would be:

1) Home Page featured (sorted by ending soon)

2) Featured Plus (again sorted by ending soon)

3) Regullar listing, highligted or otherwise (sorted by ending soon)

This is simple logic adopted by all sites where there are paid and free listing, why does have to be any different?
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Error! Featured Listings coming after Regular Listings!

Community Member
Yes there IS something wrong with the "gallery feature plus". I SUSPECT that the reason some feature plus listings are not showing up at the beginning of best match, is because ebay is favroing thier power sellers so much. Hey I would LOVE to be a power seller too, but at this rate the "little" guy just about has to BUY ebay in order to get any ranking high enough up in the listings.

I was on the phone today for over 40 minutes with a nice but not knowledgeable customer service rep on exactly this topic. I got 7, count em SEVEN different reasons why my listing was not being displayed atop the listings as I paid for it..I got off the phone convince that only in the gallery listing would featured items show...until,,this evening when I just happened to browse ebay for something I wanted and found...yep you guesed it, featured items listed atop both best match in list AND gallery views. I quickly looked to see if my single pityful listing was somehow fixed. Nope. I STILL am paying $24.95 for a .70 listing. !@#$Q#$%#$
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