Dear eBay India Team,
I sold a galaxy tab on eBay to a buyer in Vishakhapattanam, Andhra Pradesh and just spoke to Fedex about shipment. They say that any electronics item being shipped to Andhra Pradesh requires TIN (Tax Identification Number) which only companies can have, not individuals.
So it seems I would not be able to ship the tab to the buyer in Andhra Pradesh. Many other courier companies have upfront said "No They Cannot Ship Mobiles" (Blazeflash, FirstFlight and a few others).
Bluedart will charge Rs. 1123 and since they can only send by road they will have to charge me for 10 kg weight.
If shipping mobile phones is such a pain why don't you list some notice on eBay so that first time users like me could save on their time and effort? Or in case there are ways to ship mobile phones why don't you list down such resources?
I have wasted one week in trying to sell this tab and now that its finally sold I just cannot ship it.
Hope you take this feedback seriously and take corrective steps.
**To the users, please be aware of this case and don't waste your time like I did.**