Ebay encourages fraud/fake sellers

I had placed an order on ebay.in and have not received the item. Now the seller is not an active member on ebay, has removed his listing,  his phone is not reachable and has given a fake courier tracking details. When contacted the customer support team via chat, she is saying to use 'Report a problem' link to claim refund. But that link itself is not available from My Paisa Pay, for other items I am able to see that link. Now how do I proceed ? This seems like a nasty game of ebay encouraging fraud seller to have a temporary /fake listing on ebay and stealing money from buyers. My money is with ebay which they are not refunding me. I am going to file a case against ebay.in for fraud and harrasment for buyers. 

Please provide me your postal address & email address  so that I can send you the legal case details.

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Ebay encourages fraud/fake sellers


You are unable to see the transaction in you rPaisa Pay, page?
how did you pay for this ? If its with a CC please file a charge back with the cc company - Stating Fraud.
How many days has it been?
Message 2 of 4
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Ebay encourages fraud/fake sellers

Refer attachement.


I am able to see the trasaction under 'My paisa pay' but the 'Resolve a problem' link/button is not working, It is taking me to a blank page. I have not received the item & want to request a claim. The seller has removed the listing & provided a DTDC tracking number which is invalid when checked on DTDC website. 






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Ebay encourages fraud/fake sellers

I bought  Xiaomi 20800 mAh Power Bank from e bay, after searching I came to know 16000mAh is the biggest that Xiaomi offers till date. So if you see a retailer on eBay selling a Mi power bank of such capacity, it is a fake .

I contacted the seller he agreed that it First copy and not a real one, When I raised claim with ebay they closed my claim without giving any reason.


I am unable to raise my claim again, shame on you Ebay....

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