Most of the sellers (some of them are reputed!) especially in the Jewellery and Watch group are increasing using the feature of "User Id kept private". This is really creating a credible doubt in buyers like me whether this is being to used by the seller or sellers' agent to artificially hike the price of the item. As I observed, there used to be very high bids by users with no buying history and they repeatedly used to figure in most of the bids in the catogory of Jewellery and Watches taking the bids to very high amounts.
I feel this feature to be allowed very discretely by Ebay.
I for myself would be more comfortable to bid if I know that I am bidding along with more credible and non-fake buyers. I prefer to know by co-bidders' history to know I am competing with a genuine buyer.
Can you please look into this and let me know your opinion?
Marthi U N Sarma