Confusing eBay message about guarantee claim

I received an incorrect product and when I contacted the seller, he said that he does not have the correct one and asked me to claim a refund. So I submitted a claim for a refund.


I got a call from eBay a few days later. Due to differences in accent, I could not understand every word he said. But I got the impression that my claim was being processed and that I would get a refund in the form of a coupon for the full item value plus 10%. So far so good.


Then, a few minutes after the call, I got an email which started out by telling me that they are rejecting my "eBay guarantee claim request". It also said "Action : Buyer cancelled his claim request - Claim Closed". Now those two statements came as a shock.


Then the message went on to say that they are approving my refund request and that I will receive "a coupon of 110% of Item value."


This is all very confusing. The only claim I made was for a refund and they approved that. Which claim did they reject? Which claim did they say I cancelled?

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