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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Dear Members,

Join Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India for an Open House discussion on buying and selling on eBay India. Open House brings the opportunity to interact with senior staff members of eBay.

Rajan will be available on this thread on Wednesday, the 10th of January, 2007, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST, for an interactive discussion with our community members.

Click on 'Post a Reply' link at top of the page to submit your questions before or during the Discussion.

See you on the 10th at 5:00 PM!

Thanks and Regards,
Community Development Team
Message 1 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi ksnagaraja2006,

I have asked my colleague to get in touch with you to provide a training session for you. You may also write to for any assistance.

Since you are interested in selling ebooks, it might be useful for you to know the downloadable media policy
Best Regards
Message 61 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Community Member
Dear Rajan Mehra,

It has been almost 2 hours since we started this session.

What about some refreshments for the participants ?


REFRESHMENTS : Could be some refreshing news about the site. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 62 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Dear Rajanji,
As I had said you earlier,I had personally met the Head custom officer here in Surat and he said that its illegal to accept money via any means without having the FIRC.

You say about "legal requirements", FIRC Is the legal requirement.

So please kindly tell me why Paisapay do not issue FIRC??

A buyer from USA send payment in USD but I recieve the payment in INR.

So there should a FIRC from Paisapay.Its must.

Any seller selling good outside India without FIRC is doing illegal.

I am sure you are trying to escape the main point.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.

Message 63 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi All,

Clearly I should have realized that 60 minutes was not going to be enough :). Indconcepts has a good suggestion on refreshments, unfortunately we'll need to take a rain check on this.

Some thoughts to leave you with as I head for a meeting I'm already late for:

a. I will respond to all unanswered questions by tomorrow evening so track this thread if your post remains unanswered.

b. One of the areas I'd like to hear more from the community about is how we drive more value to our Top Buyers.

c. User Experience and Customer service are important areas of focus for me - stay tuned for more in this regard.

d. In the near future, we will be also focussing on High Impact buyer promotions to drive value for our buyers, while bringing in greater sales for our sellers

I trust these and some of the other initiatives we've planned in the near future will siginifcantly contribute to the vibrancy of our Marketplace.

Thanks for your support and patience ( I type slowly :)).
Best Regards
Message 64 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi graciousgems,

Since discusison of account specific user suspension issue violates Boards Usage Policy, I am deleting the same.

Message 65 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi highshaka,

I notice that you are a regular seller on the website and I am sorry to hear about your bad buying experience. As an experienced seller on the website I am sure that you apreciate some of the challenges that we face as a platform. Sometimes we come across sellers who may not meet up to the expectations of our buyers. Recongnizing these chalenges we have a comprehensive Buyer Protection Program in place, which I understand you are availing.

On your difficulty with process related to Buyer Protection claim, I appreciate your feedback that the process can take some time. The checks and balances of asking for proofs etc are placed to ensure that the claims are not misused and thus benefit the rightful buyers. I am passing the feedback to the TnS team and will ask them to look into simplifying the process.

I also understand your frustration on receiving what you consider an unfair negative. I would encourage you to respond to it with the facts so that other users, who read the feedback, get a fair picture. Also, you might want to approach ODR India to get the rating reviewed.

I also want to assure you that your feedback to the seller via dispute console or negative feedback does not go unnoticed. eBay takes appropriate action against sellers under the Seller non performance guidelines.
Best Regards
Message 66 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Dear infiniteshopping,

As regards your query on international trade, I have asked my colleague from the concerned department to contact you. You can expect his call shortly.

Happy selling!
Best Regards
Message 67 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi kala5040

If you wish to retract your bid on an item, you may directly cancel your bid, using the following link: In case the listing has ended, you may request the seller for mutually cancelling the transaction.

I hope the above answers your question.
Best Regards
Message 68 of 69
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Chat with Rajan Mehra, Country Manager, eBay India (10 Jan, 5 -6 PM)

Hi amitchordia,

I have asked the Trust & Safety Department to contact you and you should expect to hear from them shortly.
Best Regards
Message 69 of 69
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