Hi devshoppe,
The best way to get your problem resolved is to get in touch with Customer Support team via the Contact Us link. In case you haven't mailed them already, here are some steps to guide you on the same:
Click on: http://pages.ebay.in/help/contact_us/_base/index.html
In the first box click on 'Ask about Selling'
In the second box click on 'Photo Issues', you will need to scroll down quite a bit
In the third box click on 'Someone is using your photo without permission'
The customer support team will be able to get in touch with you once you write to them using the Contact Us link.
As per the privacy policies, we will not be able to discuss your account specific issues on a public forum like discussion boards. Having said that, if you feel that you are not satisfied by the CS response, please feel free to give your feedback on improvement of the same.
The Community boards are a great place for users to share and learn from each other's collective wisdom and discuss ideas or issues that can impact the community as a whole.
Community Development Team