CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

dear indranell
many sellers are selling china mobile. these mobiles are without IMEI and it may be dangerous for people and for countly it should be banned on ebay with immediate effect.
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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

Community Member
yes i m agree with you , kumar . m , chinese and korean mobiles both need to be banned from immediate effect , its dangraous for our economy and ebay repitation , it also not working good and pepole are loosing trust in ebay and sales are not increasing at good rate
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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

Dear kumar.m,

Do note that there are Korean phones with proper IMEI and when it comes to Dual SIM with double IMEIs. You should not measure everyone/everything with the same yardstick.

Dear gemsworldshop,

Kindly first make the payment for the item(Korean mobile) that you purchased from me on 28 Sep 2008. If you think that they are 'dangerous' and 'not working good' then why did you made a bid?

There are a variety of good quality korean phones available and by God's grace I have a good sales-track record only for these kind of phones. Do you think it is easier to maintain this without QOS parameters?

Because people are looking/hunting for a very cheap phones ultimately the quality is getting affected. If you pay a nominal amount you will still end up in getting a good quality phones which will give you durability of more than couple of years.

Thank U!
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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

I am agree with the opinion of Mr.Faheem.Most of the Korean sets are with IMEI no.In quality also they are not bad and with quality even at the cheap price.see can u guess the price of a reputed bransed set with TV,FM(without using hands free)3"LCD,Dual sim same time etc..?It may be more than 20k-25k with warranty..I am using chinees/Korean sets from last 1-2 years and facing no problems till now,but interesting thing is that my branded mobiles are making troubles sometimes!In repairing centres also we can see branded set are more than Korean sets.The problem is that our mind is pre-setted about chinees items!
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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

Community Member

I had a bad opinion on Chinese Phones. But once some of my friends showed me the phones, I really liked it. Its really attractive, quality and the price is cheap. I liked the GUI (Graphical user interface) which are used.

Most of the phones comes with a valid IMEI. (Only some of the Chainese phones doesn't come with IMEI). ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay


Ignorance is Bliss.

There are some frauds selling Chinese Phones by calling them Korean. There are not unbranded Korean Phones.

There are excellent phones from Korea but these are from Samsung and LG, both Fortune Global 500 companies.

Strictly stay away from those sellers who are commiting a huge fraud by claiming unbranded phones as Korean.

Yes most of the Chinese phones available in the grey market have IMIE issues.

So make your own choice.


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CHINA Mobile Without IMEI should be banned on ebay

Community Member
i appreciate and respect opinions of all respected ebay sellers , but i m not agred with you all , i have very bad experience with chinese memory cards , they work good only for 1month but it start creating problems after a month , i face same problem with chinese mobiles , but i not use any korean mobile so i cant comment on the quilty of korean mobiles .
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