Hi, I am a buyer of eBay for last one year and recommended eBay to most of my friends. The following problems may kindly be corrected (1)In eBay purchases, some of the items show "free shipping", but more that 80% of those "free shipping" sellers are taking charges. When we click for payment, shipping charges are added with the cost. It’s mere in-justice/cheating. Moreover, after the delivery, in the feedback column, free shipping items are ranked highest (5 star). (2)Some of gifts are offered during festival seasons, but the despatch details are not intimated to the buyer which causes delay of delivery or returned undelivered. If those details are send to the buyer through mails, it will be easy for tracking the consignment.(same case happened to me-Diwali offer(Paisa pay 27724643846).(3)Sellers are opting cheaper/poor service couriers for item delivery causes great trouble for the buyer(I experienced two occasions recently). Please look into these matters for a better satisfaction.