Buyer Protection Program DOES NOT Work

Community Member
I think I have been conned by the buyer protection program. Ebay has stopped replying to my queries and for the 2nd time running failed to make a payment under the program. My mails also go unanswerd.

The last mail from ebay is posted below:

Subject: Re: SHORC003 - ATTN: Ashish G. | eBay Purchase Protection Program Claim - Claim # 1711887. (KMM21290977I15977L0KM) Received: 15-Mar-2010
From: eBay Customer Support Expires: 15-Mar-2011
Dear eBay Member,

Thank you for your cooperation during the investigation of your Buyer
Protection Claim # 1711887.

We are pleased to inform you that this claim has been found in your
interest. A claim payment will be issued via Demand Draft, in the amount
of Rs. 1050 through eBay, Inc..

You will be receiving the Demand Draft to the address provided below:
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Buyer Protection Program DOES NOT Work

Community Member
Ebay Buyer Protection is TOTAL FRAUD. Also these guys are so shameless that they did not even respond to these feedbacks!! I have already posted my experience in the following link :-
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Buyer Protection Program DOES NOT Work

Community Member
- A farce - to help the Fraud Sellers like BASCO4 u TO grow

Dear Friends ,

I am an eBay user for quite a number of years - both a Seller and a Buyer too .

Till date I have had problems with my purchase at eBay , but this time the Seller Basco4U , had cheated me on all the fronts , and has helped him to do so - making a big joke the " eBay Buyer Protection " which is being advertised like never before .

My son was GOING TO Singapore FOR STUDIES AND NEEDED A LAPTOP and I bought an item No. 250674706982 at from the seller basco4u for Rs. Rs. 35,991.00 . The Item was.MSI CX620 Laptop 15.6" i3 3GB 500GB Win7HomePr ATi 1GB with one of my Son's Id - Graciousgems which comes with 2 Years warranty.

After speaking to one Mr. Ashok Bhupendra Bhimra , who also is a beneficiary of the payment sought. I deposited the amount due the very next day in Seller's HDFC Bank account and asked him to deliver the items to one of my friends at Mumbai who was flying back to Kolkata the same very evening .

The item was delivered as instructed and was with me the next evening. The same night I put the machine to use but ALAS it kept crashing every time it was put on .

I contacted the seller the very next morning and made a complaint to which he replied that I should carry the machine to the Service station , which , I did , although I was not supposed to carry a brand new machine to the service station within hours of the sale!!

The service station informed me that the Hard Disk of the Laptop was defective and they wouldn't be able to replace the said and to send back the machine to the Vendor . Again I informed Mr.. of Basco4U , and he instructed me to send back the machine to him for FULL REFUND of my Money .

After the seller got back the machine he stopped responding to my mobile phone . After three days of bounteous trying he picked the phone and took a new plea that since the machine was not in the Original Cardboard Box, he can not make a refund .

I should have given a Negative Feedback instantly , but considering myself to be a Seller too and believing in the theory that eBay would protect me as a Buyer never took this step.

Ultimately I filed an Item Not as described dispute , which ultimately resulted in a Buyer Protection Case .

After that one Mr. Aniket calls me up and I explained each and every point to him , he took both me and the Seller in a conference Call , but very surprisingly the Seller was shouting at the top of his voice and was rude and abusive too . Here he brought a new point , that since my friend who brought the Laptop from Mumbai to Kolkata , had thrown away the Cardboard Box in which the Laptop was packed , it could not be taken back . This gentleman seems to have helped the Buyer , isnpite of kowning all the relevent facts and the truth .

Every time a new story , every time a new excuse , every time a new plea - All false and fraudulently motivated .

Anyhow, to cut the story short , I was surprised to receive the Laptop shabbily packed day Before yesterday again IN THE SAME CONDITION IN WHICH IT WAS SENT - NON WORKING .

Surprisingly again , in my eBay , the details of the Dispute filed by me had also disappeared , I contacted a few people at eBay including My account Manager etc. who also could not find the dispute in my ID . I called up Anklet for more than 5 times and also the Customer support - and was told that Aniket will ring me back WHICH HE NEVER DID - can any one guess why ??

I learnt that evening that the said dispute has been closed - WITHOUT EVEN REMINDING ME OR INTIMATING ME . Here I smell a Rat - eBay staff helping out the Fraud Seller , and putting a death sentence to their "eBay Buyer Protection"

I am yet to receive an official intimation as regards the said dispute having been closed or being decided in the Seller's favor !!!!

I contacted at seven of the eBay pinks - but inspire of being just - the justice took the other way .

I still am open to change my affirmation - eBay Buyer Protection A farce - to help the Fraud Sellers like BASSO4u TO grow - if just steps are taken to prove the dictum

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Buyer Protection Program DOES NOT Work

Community Member
Ebay has done the same to me twice now.
Protecting crooked sellers they don't care at all what we say or think as long as these sellers keep making them money.
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