Hi Everyone, I bought a Nexus S last month for development purposes from a so called 'Power Seller' 'Sales.india' i cleared with them before buying that i was buying to develop rom and kernels so tell me whatever you know about the product right then, that time the guy was like its brand new no problem, box this that... I bought it on July'17. As i opened it i found the box of a different phone, not i9020 but an lcd version i9023, not a big issue. After couple of days my battery used to go dead in 10hrs which is very unusual. I am a developer so i know that its because of a bad battery, i contacted seller, and after too much pleading he sent another battery, that too fake like the first one. Secondly i noticed NFC not working, as the back cover (Nexus S has NFC chip on the back cover) was replaced with a cheap cover. I contacted the guy again and he said he does not know anything about this. I sent photos of original back cover and my back cover with missing chip. Now even after so much pleading the seller is ignoring as if he does not care and openly has challenged me to go to resolution center and do whatever i like!! I have personally bought an original battery and back cover costing me over 1500, the seller is even not ready to cover that costs even though i am ready to send him the bills of those items!!
The question here is that is ebay bought over by such sellers? do buyers like us who are really stuck in a mess have no powers to bring to light the mis-deeds of such rogue and arrogant sellers? Even when i asked the seller of replacing the phone, his amazing reply was that 'you buy from ebay does not mean i will replace everything you say'!! This is height of arrogance, and if someone from ebay is listening to this forum, i think any resolution would definitely go into making ebay a better place to shop or else with these incidents, its bound to go to doom. If you dont respect buyers, sellers have their days filled. Will keep everyone posted on this...