Hi I had listed my item in the morning 8:30 today (17 Nov 2010) for a 10 day listing. Now it is showing 9 days and 16 hours for expiry in my ebay sell, but when i see in the signal booster listing my item is not seen at all. Please don't tell me a lie it is all there... i can take you screen shots and send you.... but you guys are cheating.
Why such a substandard service from ebay India for non-shop sellers? That is the sreason i had stopped selling on ebay for long time... even after 2 years there is no improvement in your service. You guys are more interested in fees rather than on your service.
By now 8 hours were lapsed (now time is 4:15 pm), but no sign of product code allocation and listing with half a day gone... but still say 10 day listing 😞
Some times the Listing will take time to appear in the Category . Normally 6Hours will be taken in the case Please Search the item after some times.Don't worry Your listing will be there.