Laws of Natural Justice state that no judgement can be passed, the accused is given a chance to give his side of the story before any judgement.
But in, community watch closses listings of sellers without asking for any explanation from the seller.
How qualified is community watch to know the technical specification of each and every product?
IF the product is pornograhic or blantantly illegal, community watch may pull down a listing immediately but where there is a dispute on the technical specifications of the product, how can someone close down a listing on which Rs.400/- has already been paid as EL charges???
The answer given is that we have satisfied ourself from our sources!!! Who is going to determine the genuity of the sources. There can be a typographical error in the sources or some misunderstanding!!!
Attitude of Community Watch is too high handed.
First they need 48 hours to vet each and every listing. After a listing has been approved, it gets listed on the site. Even after the listing is live for 6 days 23 hours and when about 30 bids have come in, they suddenly realise there is a fault with the listing and pull it down without giving the seller the opportunity to give his side of the story.
Truly and utterly hopeless is only what one can say about the state of today.
You may also refer our other posting in the cafe in this matter:
Even after so many postings and sundry mails to community watch they are not able to justify why they closed down the listing nor they bother to respond.
The attitude of Community Watch is
"We have done it, and its final, no sunyai, no review."
This is how they treat 2 of the most highly rated sellers of with over 5000 ratings each, we fear to think what is happening to newbies out there!