As this is a known problem to eBay since the migration, why are buyers not informed at the stage of chossing option to pay by HDFC direct pay, that their payments will take 3-4 days to be processed?
This way buyers can make an informed choice and may decide to make payment by other mode. If HDFC is their only preferred mode of payment, the buyer will know when to expect payment clearance.
This will save the buyers a lot of apprehension and save the sellers for getting unjust, uneditable negative ratings. I have over 15 negs due to payments not being processed by PaisaPay due to their internal problems with HDFC. Nowadays I spend precious time and money calling buyers long distance for high value orders explaining to them individualy that their HDFC direct pay orders will take a minimum 3 days to be proccessed. For low value orders, obviously I cannot spend the time or money to make long distance calls.
I wonder why only PaisaPay has problems with HDFC? I have been using HDFC to pay on IRCTC and have my railway tickets delivered the very next day.
Further when the entire eBay team (including PaisaPay) decides to take 2 working days off work, it seems logical that buyers and sellers should be informed of the same. Why only sellers have always to bear the brunt of buyer dissatifaction due to lapses of eBay and their badly flawed products includiing PaisaPay?