IS EGS dead?


Telephone contact numbers of EGS personnel have been removed from EGS Contact Us page.  Tickets raised on EGS Resolution Center are going unanswered for more than a week. Emails to Shalini Sebastian elicit no response.  Is EGS still **bleep** or is it altogether dead? Shall we perform your last rites?

Regards - Ramkumar (id: engineeringideas)

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IS EGS dead?

Dear engineeringideas,


We are sorry to know that your queries related to eBay Global Shipping (EGS) are yet not resolved. Your concern has been sent further to the respective team and you should be hearing from them soon. For any further assistance please do connect with your assigned account manager. 


We request for your patience in the interim.


eBay IN CBT Team

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