Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Recently i have bought 6 items from ebay USA. I have paid for all items through Paypal. I want to know the shipping details and status of my ordered items.But when i click on contact seller link i get a message as:

In order to maintain safety in the marketplace, eBay may require additional verification when you are listing, bidding or communicating with members registered on a different site than your own. At this time, we ask that you provide a valid credit card to verify your account:

Verify using a Credit Card

Your credit card will not be charged--it is for verification purposes only. For additional information regarding Credit Card verification, please click here.

When i click to verify the credit card it takes me to "Global Error" Page


and gives me a message as:

Unable to Process Credit Card

Sorry, we can not process this credit card for you. Please go back to the site you originally registered to use your Credit card

I have contacted ebay india staff and have not recieved any help till now. What do i do?
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
hi i wanted 2 know if i order some thing from ebay usa .. then is there any prolem that i can face from the customs dept 4 payment of any duty or some thing ...how does it work out.. how is d duty payble n on what items .. wats d criterian 4 d calculation of duty... by the indian customs dept...
Message 11 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Sorry, we can not process this credit card for you. Please go back to the site you originally registered to use your Credit card

Problem Solution From User
Opening a Paypal Account
please confirm your e-mail
& Send money option Top of the Page
1) Pay to Any option 2) Pay to ebay
Pay for goods, services and eBay items
link your user id & password

Solve the problem & now you can buy a product

why i reply this & because i am in problem with Purchase from ebay product from ebay.com.au
Message 12 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
contact eBay Live Help with your issues. They are very good and ebay.com staff are always on hand if ebay.in is closed.
Message 13 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Hi I am in same boat same problem here...
Message 14 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Please check if you have ever received any 'Unpaid Item Strike'. I used to get this message while trying to buy on Ebay.com (when I had one 'Unpaid Item Strike'). But as soon as I got it removed, the messages stopped appearing.

Best Wishes
Message 15 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Today I was given a rediculuos soultion to this problem. They asked me to register as a seller on ebay.com and then verify credit card?????? how dumb!!!
Message 16 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Can anyone help me? I am having the same problem. I have written to ebay help many times but didn't get any response from them...

why is this error comming?
Message 17 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
Hello abhishes2,

There are several reasons for which a user faces block/limits while bidding on ebay sites other than ebay.in.

Please contact our Customer Support Team to know the exact reason for the same.


Message 18 of 19
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Urgent reply needed-Unable to communicate with eBay USA sellers

Community Member
do you people ever wonder why ebay does not put such filters on .us or .au or other websites, why such limitations just exist on .in websites, inspite of being willing to provide cc verfication, i cant bid, i just cant find the cc verif link anymore, there is no such link for those who create account from .in website, and the damn "global error page" keeps showing up whenever i want to buy bid or even asks the seller a question, when i call up customer supp they dont have a damn clue about how to get this thing fixed, they say i need 2-5 positive feedbacks, which was indeed a stupid reply they couldnt even tell me how many feedbacks i need, i hope they themselves know(hopefully ebay doesnt use a self evolving website), its just a show off of double standards towards treating its users. ebay sucks
Message 19 of 19
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