I checked the two listing for which you have given ratings.
In one of the listing the seller has clearly mentioned that he will ship within 7 days and in the other the seller has not mentioned anything.
So I would not find fault with any of the sellers. They are well within their right to ship on 6th or 7th days.
However it has been noticed that most Indian buyers want their purchases to be shipped to them immediately on payment and to reach them asap. I do not how far is it reasonable on their part to expect this but sellers should recognise this and should endeavor to deliver the product ideally within 1-5 days to increase buyer satisfaction.
Sir, if you had bothered to check, you would have noticed that one of these sellers had a slow 4.2 DSR for shipping time. This would have given you a fair idea that this seller usually ships his products late.
BTW, in one of your ratings, I saw that the seller had provided a bill. I was just curious to know if the seller had mentioned the VAT / CST amount in the bill and how much vat amount he had mentioned. Do be kind enough to let us know.
The reason for the querry is that the seller has charged you VAT / CST at the rate of 12.5% in the listing whereas the actual VAT / CST on the ordered product is no more than 4%.