I have bought an ipod (300015327573)from seller etransaction4u. I got it only to discover its a fake or chinese replica of original ipod. After i filed a dispute (Item recieved but not as described), now my claim has been escalated. And (only now) ebay's claim agreement asking me to submit photocopy of DD's front and back. I only have DD's reciept and didnot take the photocopies as ebay didnot show its a must when i bought the product. Is it enough just to submit my DD's slip???
One more thing is that..ebay says in agreement that I may have to submit a letter prooving inauthenticity of my product. The letter should be from a reputable expert who can substantiate my claim. I dont know where to find this expert!!! EBAY SAYS TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST BUYERS WHO GIVE INCOMPLETE PROOF. WHAT IF I HAVE ONLY THIS SLIP TO SUBMIT???....PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME ON THIS?