Does Ebay take any responsibility of fake products sold on Ebay claimed as originals?

What will be the procedure to get my refund if the product as mentioned by the seller as original comes out to be a fake replica. How am I supposed to get refund and return the product back to the seller. Does Ebay take any responsibility for fake products sold.

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Re: Does Ebay take any responsibility of fake products sold on Ebay claimed as originals?

contact the seller and ebay

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Re: Does Ebay take any responsibility of fake products sold on Ebay claimed as originals?

Community Member

Please note this is a member-to-member forum, where eBay users can seek advice from other users. If you need to contact eBay directly, please do so here.

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Re: Does Ebay take any responsibility of fake products sold on Ebay claimed as originals?

just know it------ebay PROMOTES fake items, so don't expect any help from ebay regarding fakes.


i've written more than a thousand mails to ebay just to save buyers, but ebay SIMPLY DOESN'T care--

naturally. an item sells means ebay earns a day's bread---why would ebay bother if the money comes

fooling a buyer?


so plz, don;t seek help there---if you have doubts, ask me or ask any reliable seller---we'd happily try

to help any ebay member to know about the possibility of an item being fake or not. just feel free and

ask us before buying anything doubtful.


in general---the most number of fakes that i've seen or got reports about are silver coins esp british

india ones, british india notes and copper coins, costlier watches etc.


here on ebay, its only your own smartness that can save you. don't trust easily. and don't trust ebay AT ALL.

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Re: Does Ebay take any responsibility of fake products sold on Ebay claimed as originals?

No Ebay does not take the responsibility, they say its not in their policy, check the link ( ) In this way they are supporting fraudulent sellers. Ebay is become a place for fraud now. Im done with buying on ebay now. Never again to return to purchase anything on this fake sellers site.



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