Dear Customer Support Representative,
This is with reference to the claim ID 107352.
I have bought this item (No. 140790461897) from eBay but the same was found defective. After correspondence with the seller I had sent the Item back with First Flight Courier Ltd. (Consignment No. N 05132254) on 11th Aug, 2012 but there has been no correspondence from eBay whatsoever (neither from eBay Nor the Seller) whether the seller has received the same or not. And If yes whether they are ready to replace the same. I had received a call though on 20th Aug, 2012 from eBay representative confirming the status of the complaint but no action has been taken so far. I had called the customer care service (on 21st Aug, 12) and I was told i should expect a call today (22nd Aug, 12)but there has been none the whole day. Tried calling the Customer Care yet again but despite waiting for more than an hour in the queue could not get connected.
As a result of all these I starting to get concerned whether it was worthwhile making the transaction with eBay. Not to mention the embarrassment this has cost me as the handset was meant for a gift and now both of us are stuck with the claim settlement.
Request you to kindly look into the matter and still awaiting some sort of a confirmation from your end.