A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member
A major drawback with eBay is that there are no reviews by past buyers available for a product on the product description page . This makes it difficult for a prospective buyer to buy a product with the confidence that it will be a good one. This absence of a provision to leave reviews for a product by past buyers seems like a deliberate policy decision by eBay to discourage negative reviews and encourage more sales on eBay. This is not a very transparent business model and it is unfair on the buyer.

Also, some sellers keep the details about their sold items private, which again makes it difficult for a buyer to check the feedback given by past buyers on any particular product. I don't understand the reasoning behind eBay making this provision for sellers to keep their sales history private, other than profit-making. This again is a non-transparent and unfair business model.

The model followed by Flipkart is great in this respect because the product description page of each of their products has a provision for past buyers to leave their review on it.
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member
Some Sellers on eBay sell Condoms and contraceptives type products and list those items as private. Which means even though the listing can be seen by everyone, when it gets sold nobody can see neither the product nor the Buyer who bought it. Buyers who buy these type of items, prefer to buy from private listings in order to get complete privacy. Hope now it is clear, why some Sellers keep their listings as private.
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member
Hi spl_ind. Thanks for replying. I can understand keeping the buyers' details of some products private. But I see that there are many normal products like mobile phones and games, whose buyers are kept private. Why is this done? And even if buyers IDs are kept private for these items, why is it that their feedback on the products is not made public? For eg, pls take a look at this Purchase History webpage: http://offer.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&_trksid=p4340.l2564&rt=nc&item=330664344909.

Why can't the above page have the feedback of the buyers?
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member
Riskier to shop on ebay
I got right product however the size I order is not fitting so I requested a replacement which is not possible in ebay as product is right not like any other online shopping site.
If replacement is not there than it is riskier to shop on ebay because size differ for different company thus ebay should provide a replacement facility like any other online service provide.

Will be afraid to shop on ebay next time, because the product is of no use for me now.
Message 4 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?


There is replacement and more than that there is ebay guarantee .

check the link below

Message 5 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?


There are good things and there are bad things.

FLIPKART is working on huge margins as there is no competetion within FLIPKART.

On ebay you get the best pricing, you get ebay guarantee for buyers , items shipped by sellers with POWERSHIP on their account ships most of the orders by ARAMEX, BLUE DART, DTDC or FEDEX.

Tracking is very transparent and speed is superb.

Buyers can see the worth of a seller by seeing the feedback score of a seller.

We can also see the dark sideif we wish to, but it upto the person what he or she wants to see.

Message 6 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?

@ ram-e shopper
ebay has a feedback system which is pretty good
Message 7 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member
Buyer Review is only at eBay.com which is US Portal and I have Reviewed quite a few items that I got from eBay.com. Hope eBay India does implements it in near future.
Message 8 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Product reviews by buyers will be of great help. I had also bought one car vaccum cleaner, its lock break out on the first use and some parts broken inside motor area on second time use. So I was not able to use it on 3rd time. A waste of money for me and more buyer will end up buying this useless product.


Product reviews will provide confidence to buyers.

Message 9 of 14
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A shopping site without product reviews?

Community Member

I got fake pen drive from this site. I demanded that seller to allow me to talk to other buyers of the pen drive, the fellow does not answer.


Customer care says they currently dont know who the other buyers are!!


Funny site.

Message 10 of 14
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