200 gm Sachin silver coin-paid by internet banking-seller rejects the payment-does not return amount

Community Member

I had placed an order on 7th November, 2013 for one 200gm Sachin Tendulkar Silver coin and had paid Rs.16,899/- for the same by internet banking (ICICI Bank) as per the options available. The said amount has already been debited to my bank account, that means the seller has already received the same. I received a mail on 15th  November, 2013 from eBay.in informing me that my PaisaPay payment of Rs.16,899/- using ICICI Baqnk internet banking has been rejected and that I should make payment by some other mode. 


I responded to this mail by my mail of 15th November, 2013 and informed them that along with the payment of Rs.16,899/- for one 200 gm Sachin Tendulkar silver coin I had also ordered and paid for two 20gm Sachin Tendulkar Silver coins (Rs. 4,998/-) and the said payment was not rejected and the delivery of the said two small 20 gm coins is promised in the first week of December, 2013. If the payment of 200gm coin (Rs.16,899/-) has been made on the same day by the same mode why it has been rejected. I also asked EBay.in and PaisPay as to how can I trust them by making another payment of Rs.16,899/- when my first payment has been received by them and debited in my bank account. There is no response from neither eBay.in nor from PaisaPay.


This approach of eBay.in and PaisPay is baffling and does not inspire confidence and I have a feeling that both of them in collusion with the seller have conspired to cheat me (and many persons like me).


I would request the fellow internetizens to help me solve this problem. If any other person has been cheated like this please join me in fight against eBay.in and PaisaPay.

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Re: 200 gm Sachin silver coin-paid by internet banking-seller rejects the payment-does not return am

Community Member


Sorry to hear this.

Kindly check your bank account to see if this amount is debited and credited from your account or not.

Once you are positive that you are charged, hold ebay responsible because PaisaPay is completely controlled by them.

The seller wouldn't have got the money in a week. Unless you either confirmed receipt of item or waited for 7-10 days after shipping details are updated by seller, they will not be reimbursed.


So, kindly followup with Ebay and see if they can resolve it for you. Good luck!




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Re: 200 gm Sachin silver coin-paid by internet banking-seller rejects the payment-does not return am

I have received back the amount of Rs.16,899/- only after the disputes redressal cell of e-Bay talked to me  and I pointed out the issuers involved. By getting back the amount one issue is resolved, however, the real issue is why the payment made by internet banking was rejected whereas payment made for two 20gm Sachin Tendulkar Silver coins made through the very same mode was accepted. As I have stated earlier I am interested in getting the 200 gm coin and have also asked as to what other mode of payment is acceptable to the celler. E-Bay should resolve this vital issue. The celler cannot be permitted to announce first that payment through a particular mode is acceptable to it and then lateron reject the payment though made through the advertised acceptable mode.

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