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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)
eBay Employee
eBay Employee

While shipping that expensive Mobile Phone, Camera & MP3 player, do you wonder...
• The best way to package it so that it does not get damaged or scratched
• The best means to courier it so that it reaches the buyer on time?
• The best way to keep track of all your shipments?

Here are some answers for you from seller Seller is a PowerSeller and has sold hundreds of products in the Camera & Electronics category. He will be sharing with you his best practices for good packaging and shipping.

Date: 24th May, Thursday
Time: 5 – 6 PM

Please feel free to discuss your own tips and best practices in the workshop. If you wish to conduct your own workshop, please write to

See you on the workshop!


P.S: A note from our Legal Department:

The statements and opinions made in this workshop are those of the workshop host only and do not reflect eBay policy or eBay's opinion with respect to such statements.
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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Community Member

I'm from Kolkata. I mainly deal in Mobiles but here in Kolkata reputed couriers like Bluedart, Overnite, DTDC dont accept mobile phones.

Will anyone knows any courier company in Kolkata who accept mobile.
Message 11 of 29
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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hi everyone,

A big thank you to for joingin us today. Please feel free to ask all your questions on shipping electronic products.

We will be here for an hour after which the worshop will be archived.

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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Hi! Everyone

This is Shuaib With you.

I will be answering your euqries for shipping and handling and sharing my experience for the same.

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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Hi! vivek_kol

Actually, when you go to any courier company they wont accept any electronic from you, specially mobiles as there are lots of chances of it getting lost or stolen in transit.

you will have to make a good relation with them and open an account with them.

Try to convience them that you can give them good business and your bill will in three digits atleast. then you can say them at a latter stage that the business was down or you were not well and did not concentrate :).

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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)


thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, i totally agree with you that BlueDart and DTDC are very good.

Kindly note that the Bluedart charges fuel surcharge which varies between 20% to 35%

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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Community Member
Hi Shuaib,

Im a seller in Delhi.
I use to ship mobile phones through Bluedart only, they take the mobile box in open condition with the declaration of all the accessories and also charge a high amount.One more thing they mention its costs below Rs.5000.
Can you please tell me that is there any other Courier Service in Delhi who'll ship the mobile phones. I've already tried Aramex, DTDC, AFL,Blazeflash but none of them accepts mobile phones.


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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Let me share some packing tips with you.

first of all make sure that you send the product in the original company packing and it will be in an added advantage to send it in original sealed box pack. Nokia Phones for example come with good packaging and you can directly ship it to your buyer.

However, there are some phones and electronic equipments where you need to add the extra security layer of a thermacol to ensure that the product reaches the buyer safely. For example, the Motorola F3 packing does not contain thermocol or foam for protection. In such a case I ensure that the phone is sandwiched between two sheets of thermocol and tightly taped.

Another example is a blue tooth headset. the packing is normally transparent on the top and the device is exposed with a thin plastic cover. I normally put a thermocol sheet above the exposed part to ensure that it does not get scrathed. Often if a buyer receives a scrathed piece, he feels that he has received a used piece.

Another way of ensuring safety of your product is using thick plastic coated brown paper as the top most cover of the parcel (see image in post number 2). The benefit of using the paper is
1. Does not tear easily
2. Protects from water, especailly in rainy season
3. Looks Professional 🙂

Packaging tape: in case you are a Powerseller, you get powerseller packing tape. Try to use the tape on your packages, for it ensures that it is not tampered or opened by anyone (becasue the tapes are irreplaceable).

More thoughts to follow 🙂

Message 17 of 29
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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Dear ankurj23

Even I used to face the same problem, when I had started this business. They used to do the same thing to me and I had to take all the parcels to their office and declare all the accessories and other contents of the box. In fact I had built a good relation with the security and the reception person also 🙂

The solution I figured out was to open an account with them. They asked me to deposit 15000 for an account, but I negotiated it to 5000. Now they come to my place, pick up the packed parcel and deliver it. (at times they deliver it even before i wake up the next morning!)

Please let me know if you have any more question.

Message 18 of 29
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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Dealing with delays in Delivery:

One of the most important thing is to ensure that while opening an account with a courier comapny, you have contact numbers of all the importnat people whom you cna reach out to in case of any issue. For example, your account manager, his boss, his boss and his boss also. Preferably, get the number of the head of the region.

In case you have a problem, you can reach out to them to get it resolved.

If there is a delay in delivery, the only way to get it resolved it is to follow up with them on an hourly basis and get updates from them until the product is delivered to the customer or is returned to you.


Message 19 of 29
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Seller Workshop- Shipping Cameras, Electronics & Mobiles (24 May, 5-6 PM)

Community Member
Thanks for reply Shuaib.

They actually come to my place, pick up the packed parcel and deliver it but my concern is that shipping yhe open box with Mention value Below Rs.5000 is safe?
Is that any other courier service i can use?

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