Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

eBay Employee
eBay Employee

Are you new to eBay and wanting to start your eBay business? Join in this workshop to know what products are selling on eBay, conducting your research before selling on eBay and sourcing products for selling on eBay.

Topic: New Seller, get started on eBay – Know what products to sell and source
Host: eBay Staff
Date: Thursday, 17th Aug
Time: 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm (IST)

See you on 17th!

Message 1 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Not applicable
Dear kritant,

I went through your listings and have some suggestions:

a) Use Gallery- Your listings currently in search pages dont have gallery selected. It is the image of the product that attracts buyers to click on the listing. Please select Gallery for all your listings.

b) You might want to try listing some items under auctions. We have seen that listings under auctions seems to have higher no of visits and better rate of conversion

c) Try listing your items internatially. Products such as Sarees, indian ethnic wear, jewellery, handicrafts are in huge demand internationally

Warm Regards,
Tanya Goel
Message 61 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Good Day there,

i have currently got 8 packs of CAPTAIN BLACK(mini cigars), and would like to know whether it is applicable for sale on ebay india.

thank you
Message 62 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Not applicable
Dear samyruloz,

Unfortunately eBay policies do not allow sale of cigars on the site and hence request you to not to list your CAPTAIN BLACK ( MINI CIGARS) on eBay


Please feel free to get in touch with us for any further assistance.

It may be advisable for you to go through our listing policies to understand what is allowed and not allowed to list on eBay


Warm Regards,
Tanya Goel
Message 63 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Community Member
Hi Sapna,

I want to promote our book 'How to Win Office Politics' on the e-bay home page.

What is the minimum required budget for this.

Thanks and regards,

Akanksha Bharadwaj
Message 64 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Community Member
im a collector of stamps. im interested in selling them on ebay. suppose i list a product and tht doesn't get sold , should i pay any fees for it???and can i bid for an object below its price?? if so, how can i do it
Message 65 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Community Member
i want to sell products on ebay what products can i sell, can i sell food products like pickles, dried mushroom both oyster and button, papads also Aloe Vera products all non perishable eatables
goods please assist on this.
Message 66 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

I have been advised by e-bay not to post sale of Coffee and Chocolate health beverages. I have seen similar items are being marketted through e-bay in other countries. I would like to know why this disparity shown.
What is the reason for not allowing these items to sell through e-bay. After all it is helping the society for good health.

Please advice.
Message 67 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Not applicable
Dear abhilasht2007,

Unfortunately eBay India does not permit sale of food items and hence we request you to refrain from listing and selling items in these categories.

Listing of food product / items shall be subject to the sellers procuring the necessary licenses and approvals and to comply with local laws and regulations relating to prevention of food adulteration, packaging and ingredient disclosure requirements.

However, till such time we receive any confirmation or clarity from the Government, sale of food items is strictly prohibited on the site.

As and when we receive any updates from the Government , we would provide you with the necessary information and will get in touch with you on the same

Warm Regards,
Tanya Goel
Message 68 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Not applicable
Dear flokane_sathish,

Our training team will get in touch with you shortly and explain to you in details on how you can sell your items on eBay.

Alternatively you can also get in touch with us at training.india@ebay.com should you have any further clarifications.

Looking forward to have a long association with you on eBay

Warm Regards,
Tanya Goel
Message 69 of 93
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Learn about what sells on eBay and Sourcing them - 17 Aug (4-5 PM)

Not applicable
Dear pcbrain_in1,

Every country is governed by their local laws and regulations and we need to comply with the same.

You may go through our Policy on Food items by clicking below:


We would keep you updated on the Food and Beverage Policies in India as and when we receive information and update you accordingly

Please feel free to get in touch with us should you require any further clarification

Warm Regards,
Tanya Goel
Message 70 of 93
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